Beauty Fitness Yoga
The practice of yoga can help tremendously, especially during puberty, when the body is developing more quickly. Check out the latest trend in the fitness industry called fusion fitness, a combination yoga and Pilates.
Because yoga helps to regulate the glands that control the hormones responsible for such physical changes, giving more time to come to terms with your new state of being.
But nothing will work unless you combine it with a balanced diet and exercise regularly. So remember to bookmark this page for future reference tell your friends about us and please give us your feedback and you will receive a FREE gift right away.
Find out about the best selling yoga books, yoga DVD's as well as the best selling yoga VHS products and don't forget to check out Wai Lana Yoga, home of the world's most watched Yoga TV series. A complete yoga lifestyle store, with yoga videos, CDs, mats and more.
We also recommend reading the eBooks called Yoga Health Secrets, a guide to the techniques you need for happiness and good health as well as Yoga Weightloss Secrets, teaching you how to use the power of yoga for for long term weight loss.
Yoga allows you to channel some of the boundless energy being generated during puberty into positive channels, resulting in a stronger and more shapely body, increased self-confidence and improved state of general well-being.
This is important, as some teens today abuse their bodies through drugs, alcohol and smoking due in part to peer pressure, but more likely because of their never-ending quest for increased stimulation.
Having grown up on a diet of sensory thrills found in television, fil, and extreme sport, the average teen feels compelled to "go higher & faster" than before.
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old practice that incorporates proper breathing movement and posture to achieve a union of mind, body and spirit. It involves completing a series of postures, during which you pay special attention to your breathing... exhaling during certain movements and inhaling with others.
People do yoga for many reasons. For some, yoga is a spiritual path. For others, yoga is a way to promote physical flexibility, strength and endurance. In either case, you may find that yoga helps you to relax and manage stress.
Americans generally associate the term yoga with one particular school of this ancient discipline — hatha yoga. In most cases, hatha yoga combines gentle breathing exercises with movement through a series of postures called asanas.
To be effective, yoga requires training and regular practice. You can find qualified instructors at yoga schools. You also can learn about yoga through books and videotapes. If you have problems with pain, you may need to modify or avoid some yoga postures to prevent excessive stress to your muscles and joints.
There is a wide variety of tools available to practice yoga safely and effectively, including Yoga Mats, Meditation Mat and Pillow, Meditation Bench, Yoga Blankets/Rugs, Foam Blocks , Yoga Bolsters , Yoga Tote Bags, Yoga Stretching Straps and even Yoga Videos providing relief and relaxation.
If and when you decide to look for a yoga class, you will find that there is a wide variety of specific styles. In fact, Hatha yoga is getting a lot of press today. But some other options include the following:
Iyengar yoga. Developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, an influential teacher from India, this style emphasizes mental clarity and precision in doing the yoga postures, called asanas.
Ashtanga. This style teaches asanas connected in a flowing, coordinated series. It's aerobic, often advertised as power yoga. Get ready to sweat.
Kripalu yoga. Release of tension and trust in your "body wisdom" (intuition) are the emphasis of this yoga style.
Svaroopa. A Sanskrit word that means "bliss" — uses postures that focus on the spine and hips. If you turn to yoga primarily for stress relief, you may find this appealing.
Yoga classes are generally easy to find in larger cities. Check with local health clubs, YMCAs, YWCAs, churches and community education centers.
If you do yoga, notice your "edge" -- the point where any less stretch would be unchallenging but any more stretch would be painful. You can linger at your edge, but don’t go beyond it — no matter what the teacher says.
The latest trend in the fitness industry is fusion fitness -- a blend of different exercises and movement disciplines in a single session. The hottest combination is yoga and Pilates, recently touted by the L.A. Times as "the fitness world’s most popular couple."
The Best Selling Yoga Books
The Best Selling Yoga DVD's
The Best Selling Yoga VHS