Teen Health Improvement Guides
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Author: Kimberly
Age: 17
City: Anoka
State/Prov: Minnesota
Country: United States
Hi my name as Kim and I'm writing you today about a very annoying and ugly part on my body.
My love handles uh... I really hate them there big and I don't like them. It's very hard to loose them.
I don't know what to do or how to loose them and I'm desperately need in help to make them go away and not come back so if you could please help me : (
Author: Whitney
Age: 16
City: State College
State/Prov: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Ok, here's my story. I am 5 ft 5 in tall and I weigh about 180 pounds. Granted I do have muscle, but I am still "big".
I'm a skier so my thighs and butt are bigger. I have never been made fun of for this... well not to my face at least.
I wasn't always big, but I started to get big in about fourth grade and my weight just grew with me so I didn't notice until it was too late.
Many of my friends are skinny and I feel out of place and a lot bigger when I'm with them. They don't tell me I'm fat which is nice.
But ever since I heard this comic talk about a " fat Friend" I have always kind of seen myself as this "fat Friend". I have been trying to lose weight lately, and I have been exercising and eating less so I hope It goes well.
School starts in about two months, so hopefully I will have lost some pounds by then just to keep me going. Many people feel bad about themselves, and I am one of them.
I have about no self-esteem right now, and I can't wait until I lose weight so I can feel better about myself and be more open towards people. Good Luck to all of you who are trying o lose weight, and I hope all goes well.
Author: Andy
Age: 21
City: Melbourne
State/Prov: Victoria
Country: Australia
Hey guys I’m Andy, I’m 21 and I just like to let you all know your in it for lies, so much lies about weight loss but now I’m going to reveal the truth.
First of all guys and girls, my background I was in State Tennis and Soccer and also am an Iron man try athlete, sport and dieting is my life since I was 14. I used myself as test machine, I went on low calorie, low fat, low carb (the Atkins) and the zone diet. Now let me tell you the reason why obesity started…
When Obesity had its bang was when the low fat craze came out, low fat ice creams and such so people got excited and started eating the low fat products thinking there fine.
Now let me go to another scenario: the body. The body as 3 fuels: Carbs, Fats and Proteins, the fat, say a McDonalds’ burger, Meat as the fat (a lot of it), vegetables as Carbs and Bread as Carbs.
Then you have chips, the worst thing… you can have grease and carbs, so now I’m going to say something that a lot of people will start cussing at me for. The Atkins diet is the best way to loose weight, have healthy abs, and all together be healthier why it is low carb.
See, in the low fat Craze all these people ate low fat but what they didn’t know low fat has more carbs because they add more sugar.
Now I’m going to tell you what’s the problem with low calorie diets, low calorie diets they all say burn more than what you put it so sometimes it can be 1500 calories but then with that you will loose weight but you wont necessarily loose fat, you will loose water and muscle tissue and the problem with loosing muscle is its slows your metabolism so how do we make sure were burning fat. Ketosis the Atkins diet, the fastest way to loose weight and the best one, you can eat as much as you want to, good meals and not go hungry and if your really obese and it hurts to exercise you don’t need to but it will help of course.
As for abs sit ups and crunches… will only tighten the abs I suggest you do abs exercise about 20 minutes but with a lot more cardio, remember cardio is the key.
Thank you.
Author: Deniqua
Age: 12 and 1/2
City: Fayettville
State/Prov: NC
Country: United States
I can't believe that there are so many people going through what I'm going through.
I think I'm fat because I weigh over 100 pounds at the age of 12. Last year in fifth grade boys -- and my so called friends --picked on me.
I felt so bad about myself. I'm thinking that if they picked on me in fifth grade they going to do it in Middle school, but I hope not.
I remember times that I would cry and cry because they picked on me. I thought that no one was understanding of what I'm going through. This one time all of the fifth graders went on a field trip. They picked on me. I almost cried. I felt that my life was over.
Now, I have low self esteem because they picked on me. I feel that I'm ugly. I learned that people are going to say things about you -- but you are not supose to let that get to you. I want to let you all know that you are not the only ones going through life thinking that you are fat.
God loves you. You are blessed. When God looks at you, he thinks you are beautiful.
I know I don't know anyone of you but I love you! You can email me and I will return your email because I care about you.
Author: Suni
Age: 14
City: Bham
Country: United Kingdom
Look people, if you are really that fat just to what I did stop eating for 3weeks and just had water. Lost all the weight fine and feel fit as ever. Just eat healthy after and do plenty of exercise to boost metabolism.
Author: Gen
Age: 12
City: Macomb
State/Prov: Michigan
Country: United States
Hey Y'all! My name is Gen. I am 12 years old, 5 ft and 4 in. and weigh 190 pounds. Summer is coming and my dream is to be able to look good in a bathing suit (hopefully a bikini.)
Being overweight is a big problem in my family. I mean, even the three cats that we have are a little chubby.
Last year I had to start wacthing my little sister after school. Well with no one else at home to tell me what not to eat, I would eat what ever I wanted to.
I would even sneak tons of food into my room. Including tons and tons of chocolate so I gained 60 pounds in 10 months.
At the beginning of the year my dad and I were watching the Biggest Loser and he asked me if I wanted to try doing it at home. Of course I said yes but here I am 3 months later and I haven't lost anything. My dad told us this week that he has lost 10 pounds by having yogurt for breakfast, soup and cans of fruit for lunch in the past 2 months.
My mom and I want to go to a weight watchers meeting but I am too embarressed to go. I mean a 12 year old showing up at an adult weight loss meeting. Can you picture it?
Track is coming up at my school and I want to be on the team but I am too embarrassed because I look bad in shorts because my thighs are huge. From what I know very few people make fun of me behind my back. I am not pushed out of crowds because I have a lot of friends.
I even have guys checking me out but won't say a thing to me because I am fat. I also love to sing and in the school choir but a lot of times when I try out for a solo, someone else gets it that is skinny.
I found this website and believe me it feels good to just let this all out.
If you have any suggestions for me, just post it on this website and I'll check it out.
Thank you and God bless you!
Name: Catherine
Age: 16
City: San Angelo
State: TX
Country: United States
First off... WOW!
It's so surprising to see all these self conscious 12-13 year old girls worrying about their bodies!! That’s amazing to me. But you guys want to be healthy, so that's good.
I've always had a skinny, little body. Since I could remember I was active and did YMCA sports so I was active, then in 04, in my 8th grade year I was diagnosed with cancer.
Usually... people lose weight through chemotherapy... well I ended up gaining like 20 pounds... it sucked.
Because when I got out I was a sophomore... I couldn't help gaining weight it was from lack of exercise because well I had no energy afterwards! And I couldn't ever get away with NOT eating to lose weighs with the doctors concerns in all... that wasn't going to work. So I just kind of worked out here and there... nothing changed.
But now... I’ve been going to the gym about 6-7 days for a month... and have been running for like half an hour everyday. Plus I’ve cut down on snacks... its hard ladies... I know.
I love food so much. But believe me when you finally start to see how much better you feel when you've achieved a goal... that Twinkie might now be as amazing as it looks.
I wish you all luck.
It's not impossible for anyone. Believe me!
Author: Ella
Age: 13
City: Yeppoon
State: QLD
Country: Australia
Hi, I’m Ella, I really need some help with my body. Everyone says I’m very thin and beautiful but to me that’s not the case I can't see me even being close to thin and beautiful.
I am 165 cm tall and weigh 50 kilos and I feel so uncomfortable, my thighs are HUGE and I have the biggest stomach in the world, I really want to be able to go out with my friends and wear a bikini and singlet but at the moment I am so unhealthy and fat that I just cant do it so I hide under big and baggy clothes.
I really want to lose weight and I am determined to do it. But I need help does anyone know what exercises I should be doing to lose all my "puppy fat" from my thighs and stomach.
Being fat is not on my mother’s side because everyone is really skinny, even my sister is skinny (she’s like the skinniest person in our town).
But on my dad's side all my cousins are fat yet im the skinniest of them all but I don't want to be the skinniest on that side of the family but one of the fattest on the other.
Basically im uncomfortable with my fat and I want to change, PLEASE HELP ME!
Author: Jessica
Age: 16
City: Alvaton
State: KY
Country: United States
I guess I will start with the basics like everyone else. I am 5'4" and weigh 145 lbs. I don't consider myself "fat" but I feel am chunky and really dislike the way I see myself. The only thing is, I do have awesome friends who tell me I look great; even my guy friends tell me I am attractive. Only I can't see where they are getting these images from, 'cause I just can't see it.
I am in the Navy JROTC at my school and have been to both boot camp and leadership academy. These camps were each a week long and chock full of physical activity. Unfortunately I was always one step behind and at least ten 10lbs ahead of all the other girls.
My house is always full of sugar, carbs, and fat; all of which is readily available. I have a hard time keeping away from these foods and getting on to my treadmill. I DO exercise, just not enough. I only run a couple times a week and rarely get into any other physical activity (other than the fact I am the only girl willing to play tackle football with the guys)
Regardless of the fact that I can fit into cute clothes, my friends think I am fine the way I am, and I have had steady boyfriends that told me I was beautiful. I just don't like myself. I need to change and a physical change will only start me on my way to becoming a better person.
I am planning on a career in the military and physical fitness is a must.
Please Help.
Author: Miranda
Age: 15
City: Denver
State: Colorado
Country: United States
Hello everyone,
I think I can safely assume that anyone who visits this website has some issues.
I know I certainly do. I have spent the last 15 years of my life hating everything about my body. My weight has ranged from 95 to 120 pounds over the last 6 months.
I have been anorexic and bulimic. I now consider myself a compulsive overeater. I want to change more than anything. I don't really care what I way but I would kill to be able to walk down the street wearing absolutely anything and feeling good about I.
I think that my problem is most definitely based on food, but lately those god damned boys are why I hate myself even more. Like some of you have said, I too want a boyfriend more than anything.
I want guys to see me and say "I want her" I feel like I will not be happy until that day comes.
I know in my heart that it is more important to be loved for you mind than for you body, but honestly, high school guys don't give a shit about what's inside our heads.
I can't wait for high school to end.... then I get myself to thinking and realize, if I was happy with my body I would be having the time of my life.
Good luck out there... just remember there's life after high school.
Author: Keshia
Age: 14
City: Miami
State: Florida
Country: United States
Hey everyone, my name is Keshia, I only weigh 93 pounds but I think that all the scales I use r freaking lying 2 me about my weight!
I mean all my friends say that I’m skinny but I think that they’re lying 2 me 2, my butt is 2 huge 2 fit in2 cute mini skirts and jeans that look so awesome on me.
I know that my stomach doesn’t hang out but it just feels like it does whenever I look in the mirror with my shirt off, someone please help me!
Author: Maria
Age: 14
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: United States
This is a reply 4 DJ. Hey DJ sup?
Anyways, I was replying 2 your request. My brother told me a few things. I haven't tried all of them so here they r, try them:
1. The Bicycle: Do the bicycle w/o the bicycle.
2. Crunshes: Just do the crunches.
3. Work obliques: Do crunches only like left elbow 2 right knee, get it?
4. Push ups.
5. The full sit ups.
6. Just work out on the ball.
~Additional Things~
1. Pull ups.
2. Oh yes, on the ball... start out with your ankles on the almost end of the ball do about 10-15 your choice, then move onto the calfs, then the knees, then the quads, then the waist, then repeat process only starting on the waist and down.
Do about 5 reps or go further, your choice.
Do the above exercises for about a minute each and have fun!
I did sum of them, I worked out like crazy and had a less of a eating habit afterwards.
:D bye bye
Author: Kurtis
Age: 14
City: Boston
State: Massachusetts
Country: United States
My name is Kurtis. I swim, play football, basketball, and box. I'm 5'4" and 100 pounds. I've always been the small kid in every sport. I know a lot about exercising but it seems like every mass workout I do just doesn't work.
I have a solid rock chest with mass and cuts, but my shoulders and triceps are only cut. I want more mass so it can be proportionate to my chest.
I would also want to thicken the sides of my thighs, because (like I said earlier ) my chest is big and nothing else is.
I'm proud of my chest, and ashamed of everything else.
Author: DJ
Age: 16
City: Lynnfield
State/Prov: MA
Country: United States
Ok, I am about 6'0 and weigh 205 pounds, am a sophomore in high school and take weightlifting and I know I put some weight on from lifting.
But like when I tighten my abs up I can feel them rock hard baby’s in there. But I got to sticking out otherwise you can't see them. And I would love to see them and I would like to turn -- hmmm kind of embarrassing (boobs) into pecks, you know but every fat guy wants and I would like really appreciate some tips on how to cut down the gut and get to where the 6 pack comes out instead of the whole keg.