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Author: Clare Age: 15 City: Houston State/Prov: Texas Country: United States Hey guys, I'm Clare! I'm 5'1 and weigh 134 pounds. I have found cute clothes that fit and make me look skinny, but the clothes I want to wear make me look fat. I desperately want to be thin and cute, but I can't seem to achieve that goal. People tell me all the time, OMG CLARE YOU AREN'T FAT. Well, I don't think I'm fat, I just don't have a flat stomach. I just want to look cute in tight clothes and be comfortable in a bathing suit. Honestly, I could easily loose weight. I just have no motivation or self discipline. Help? I’d love to hear from you! Author: Mary You know, everyone is so concern about "what the new fashion" is or "what can I where that will make them like me?" I think that we as the young people of the world should be making our own styles. If you say "well, I'm not really in a trend, I'm just dressing a certain way" then you have just fallen for a trend. I think that we shouldn't really care about what is "in" and just express ourselves. The certain fashion is not really a fashion. Just be yourself and you are sure to be the person that everyone likes to be around. Author: John I love going to movies and of course shopping. I get to do all these things and get paid for it! From a few days after I signed up, I had secret shopper offers from various companies. I literally got so many offers that I had to refuse some of them. It's only been a couple of weeks and I have done several secret shops each week. I went to a couple of stores with my friends, to restaurants and eat for FREE, and I've seen a couple of movies for FREE. It's great... I do these things anyway, now I get paid for them! Check them out here. Author: Dmitri Fashion, the word brings to mind the catwalks of Milan and the well known designer label names such as Christian Dior, Channel, etc. But truly, fashion is what kind of “fashion sense” a person has. Lets say if you think a leather bag goes with white jeans... um ur totally off! However, if you think a sequined shawl under a denim jacket, hot jeans is sophisticated you are right. See what I mean? You have to take yourself to that level where you can tell what suits you, what’s in, what’s not, what’s hot and what just makes you look like a plain! So the next time you buy an outfit contemplate the way it will make you feel, what’s in, what’s not and more importantly whether you can afford it. Disregard that last comment. Author: Sohaila Most teenagers go through a time when they really care what other people think about them, their appearance, their clothes and other things as well, just be happy and think positive. Believe me I know, I was one of those teenagers too. Kids these days are cruel, and they tease you if you don't have the best clothes or the clothes they're wearing. It sounds pretty stupid, huh? Well, I was teased alot and I really let it get me down, but I decided I wasn't going to take that anymore! I just went about my way glad to be alive. I didn't care what anymore what they thought of my clothes and neither should you! As long as you feel comfortable and you like the way you look, that's all that matters, not someone else's stupid remarks and remember be yourself, don't try to change your clothes or yourself for anyone but you.