Quit Smoking NOW!
Even though smoking is addictive, not everyone gains weight when they stop smoking. But on average, people who quit smoking gain only about 10 pounds. Read comments from other teens about smoking.
But you probably will gain weight if you don't bookmark this page for future reference, tell your friends about us and please give us your feedback and you will receive a FREE gift right away.
What causes weight gain after quitting?
What can you do about it?
The health risks of smoking.
The benefits of quitting.
When you are ready to quit.
What happens after you quit.
Dealing with your cravings.
But no matter how long you’ve been smoking. For sure you know by now that you have bad breath, don’t you? Well, download a FREE eBook called The Bad Breath Bible.
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What Causes Weight Gain After Quitting
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When nicotine, a chemical in cigarette smoke, leaves your body, you may experience the following:
1- Short-term weight gain. The nicotine kept your body weight low, and when you quit smoking, your body returns to the weight it would have been had you never smoked.
2- You might gain 3 to 5 pounds due to water retention during the first week after quitting.
3- A need for fewer calories. After you stop smoking, you may use fewer calories than when you were smoking.
But the health risks of smoking are far greater than the risks of gaining 5 to 10 pounds. Smoking causes more than 400,000 deaths each year in the United States alone.
You would have to gain about 100 to 150 pounds after quitting to make your health risks as high as when you smoked.
The Health Risks Of Smoking
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The risk of smoking are numerous, but you need to know at least some of them including:
You inhail over 4,000 chemicals (40 known to cause cancer).
You're more likely to get lung cancer than to get hit by a car.
You're twice as likely to have a heart attack than a nonsmoker.
You increase your risk for heart disease, stroke and lung diseases.
The Benefits Of Quitting
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1- Your body begins to heal from the effects of the nicotine within 12 hours after your last cigarette.
2- Your heart and lungs start repairing the damage caused by cigarette smoke, right away.
3- You breathe easier and your smoker's cough starts to go away.
4- You lower your risk for illness and death from heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and other types of cancer.
Try To Become More Physically Active
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To avoid gaining weight when you quit smoking, you need to become more physically active and improve your eating habits before you stop.
Physical activity helps to control your weight by increasing the number of calories your body uses. Making healthy changes to your eating habits will prevent weight gain by controlling the amount of calories you eat.
Improve Your Eating Habits
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Changing your eating habits too quickly can add to the stress you may feel as you try to quit smoking. Eating a variety of foods is a good way to improve your health.
To make sure you get all of the nutrients needed for good health, choose a variety of foods from each group in the Food Guide Pyramid each day.
The Nutrition Facts Label that is found on most processed food products can also help you select foods that meet your daily nutritional needs.
When you are ready to Quit Smoking
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Pick THE DAY to quit smoking during a non-stressful period. For example, try not to quit smoking during holiday seasons when you might be tempted to eat more.
Quitting during a stressful time at work or at home might cause extra snacking or a smoking relapse. Try to focus on quitting smoking and healing your body.
Learn how to reduce cravings for both cigarettes and food. Once you stop smoking, it is important to learn how to handle these cravings. But remember, a craving only lasts about 5 minutes!
Solutions to Help You Deal with Cravings
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Try to participate in workshops offered by health care providers, buy nicotine replacement products available over the counter.
Using nicotine gum or a nicotine patch, along with improved eating habits and physical activity, will help you reduce your risk of a smoking relapse.
Nicotine gum has been shown to delay weight gain after quitting. You may also want to talk to your doctor about prescription medications that are available to help you quit smoking.
Snack on fruit or sugarless gum to satisfy any sweet cravings and replace the action of holding cigarettes by holding a pen or pencil and finally drink less caffeine.
Comments from other teens about smoking
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Author: Jasmine
Age: 23
City: Riverton
State/Prov: UT
Country: United States
I quit smoking over 2 months ago. I have been working out like crazy and have gained 15 pounds what is up with that? I have also been eating very healthy and I am seeing nothing, what is up with this? Please someone help me I looked better 2 Months ago and I am ready to start again!