Bulletin Board For Teens
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Author: Kristin
Age: 18
City: Portland
State/Prov: Oregon
Country: USA
Girls Girls Girls!!! All I can say is I can't even stand the words that are comming out of some of your mouths.
For those girls that are 12-16, just get out and exercise, that is all you need to do, and don't over do the eating 6 health SMALL meals through-out the day is all you need.
If you feel like a snack just a little something not a whole bunch, and WATER drink lots of water while you run around with your friends.
While your still young it shouldn't be something you worry about to the point of starving. I know how you feel and where you are coming from but it won't help. I was 220lbs in fifth grade, 240 in sixth.
I was anorexic and I got attention but when I felt right, it back fired on me and I gained weight again, more then what I was.
Now that I am older, now that I have grown, I am 5'9 and 190. (I'm comfortable and healthy and have many people who love me).
So if you think you need to be thin to get the guys you want or friends, something isn't right. People will love you no matter what you look like if they truely care about who you are!
Author: Apurva
Age: 21
City: Ponda
State/Prov: Goa
Country: India
Hey all, I'd like to lose some weight, I think I'm overweight. Im 5'2" and weigh 124 pounds. I know that isn't much but I'd rerally like to become slim n be able to wear short skirts and skinny jeans.
Know what? I used to be HUGE in my childhood. I weighed 170 lbs at the age of 15! And there was this guy who I liked sooo much, but then he never looked at me coz I was fat.
I used to feel ashamed of myself... but then I did nothing about it. I just couldn't go on a diet.
I couldn't stop myself from eating the food I loved and I just couldnt exercise coz it was so horribly boring!! Then ultimately I decided, nothing doing, I can't go on forever listening to advices from people asking me to go on a diet. And then I dieted, and exercised...and shrinked to 130 lbs.
I've been on this weight for a long time now, Ive even got my guy if you must know.
But now I think I need to become even more thinner and attractive and 'DESIRABLE' and not just beautiful.
So I've started my new diet and exercise regime, it's been a month now and I've lost 8 lbs. My goal weight is 105 lbs and I know I can make it, provided I continue my good work.
I think an online buddy for me would be great with whom I can share my success and I can provide some support and motivation for losing weight. Trust me, I.m an experienced dieter and I can be a great pal too. Please post your comments here.
Author: Jessie
Age: 17
City: Moraga
State/Prov: California
Country: USA
Hi there, I've been trying to lose some extra weight for a long time, because when I was younger my weight would go up and down frequently.
Even though I'm still working on it, I'm way healthier than I used to be because I started eating really well. I've found that a good basic diet is the best way to start getting in shape and maintain a healthy weight.
So here are some starting points for you, if you'd like to try them.
1. Stay away from processed foods! Pop-tarts, fast food, anything that comes premade in a box is going to have extra calories in it that you don't need, among other things. Processed foods also tend to have a lot of sodium, which dehydrates you. And avoid foods labelled 'low fat' because they're really not any better for you.
2. Eat good basic food. Try to eat whole grain bread when you can, and of course fruits and vegetables. Also I've found that avoiding fatty dairy products, like cheese and butter, is really helpful. But dairy is really important while you're young, so make sure to eat lots of low fat yogurt (which is also delicious) and low fat or skim milk. I like to make a sort of parfait with cheerios, fat free yogurt, almonds, and peaches. Lunch meat sandwiches on wheat bread with lettuce and mustard (no mayonnaise) are also a good item. Try to eat lean meats (if you eat meat) like chicken and fish.
3. Don't be afraid to treat yourself every once in a while, or else you might end up binging on ice cream and cookies. But keep dessert to a minimum. If you want to, pick sorbet over ice cream because it has less fat. If you feel like you've eaten too much sugary/fatty food, go for a walk or run, or do something else to get moving.
Good luck!
Author: Tabitha
Age: 15
City: Wytheville
State/Prov: Virginia
Country: USA
I'm so happy that I have discovered people that I can relate to in so many ways! I am 5'6 and 156 lbs.
I'm not really made fun of that much. My friends tell me that I totally don't look fat or overweight, but I don't feel confident about my body AT ALL.
I play sports a lot and I also don't eat that much. I'm not usually exposed to junk food a lot at home. I don't drink soda and eat donuts and potato chips all day. I dont understand why I weigh so much.
I don't want to be stick thin & I dont really desire to be popular. I am okay with my social life.
I just want to be able to look in the mirror and think that I am beautiful.
Author: Kathleen
Age: 16
City: Elliot Lake
State/Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
I do not in any way think that I am overweight. But here is something absolutely ironic: I skate four days a week, play soccer two days a week, work two days a week, and run to days a week. Yet I manage to look at myself and say: "hmmm... I think it would be healthy to lose five pounds."
The easiest way to lose weight is to avoid temptations. I could last all day at school and not have to eat anhthing (yet trust me, I still do). Although when i get home, all I think is Snack Timeee!
Obviously, that's not the right answer. And I'm begining to think that snacking is a huge problem in my life.
I may not be teased about weight, but I am a total nerd. To those sticks out there who may call you fat, I would just reply "if there was a time where food ran out for a weeks, well, I'll tell you something: At least I won't be the first one to starve".
There's nothing wrong with being overweight, unless of course you know that you may in some way cause your body harm.
I'm sorry my advice isn't really advice.
But in the end, who really cares what they all think? Because in a couple of years, you'll never see them again. And you'll think, "now what was I worrying about again?"
Author: Ally
Age: 14
City: Gorham
State/Prov: Maine
Country: United States
Hi my name is Ally and I am severely overweight, I am 14, 5 foot 7 and 220lbs. I hate myself. I really want to lose weight, not because I want popularity because I am pretty popular and all my friends say I am not "fat" but that is because I always lie to them and tell them I am like 180, you can see how that is a major lie...RIGHT?
Well my household is overweight, my mom just had Gastric Bypass Surgery and has lost about 150lbs and I wish I could do that without the surgery.
My sister is 100 and is only 8. But I still feel like I am the fattest. Also my dad was over weight until he cheated on my mom, and moved out. Now he has lost like 100lbs. He still has severe health issues because he was so heavy his whole life, and I am scared I will get them too.
All my friends and I are starting high-school next year and we are all so self-conscious about our weight.
However all my friends have had boyfriends and most of them have one, and usually I am left out because I have never had a boyfriend in my life
I know it sounds stupid and you're probably thinking.... "you can get a boyfriend next year" well that is what I was thinking but then I got accepted to Catherine McAULEY high school and that is an all girls school.
I feel that I will never fall in love, and that is just upsetting when all your friends have someone that they can cry on.... (AKA) their boyfriends.
If anyone has any advice to help me loose weight AND maybe find a boyfriend I would love to hear it.
Author: Nadia
Age: 15
City: Merritt Island
State/Prov: Florida
Country: United States
Hey there. I'm 15 years old, 5'3, and I weigh 95 pounds. I am in no way complaining about my weight but I'm shocked by some of these articles.
Yes, seeing some girls who are a normal, healthy weight stress over their size and appearance annoys me. But also, hearing other girls call these ladies pathetic! How can you say someone is pathetic for wanting to be healthier? No matter if you are overweight, normal weight, or underweight, everyone needs to exercise and stay healthy.
I visited this site not because I hate my ass or think I have thunder thighs, but to stay healthy for my whole body, not just one area.
You girls need to continue to seek tips for exercising, but not just for your butt and thighs. Others of you should also not put down those who are "skinny" and still wish to exercise. Just let every girl exercise for them and be healthy.
Author: Kelsey
Age: 16
City: Lowell
State/Prov: Indiana
Country: United States
Hi my name is Kelsey I'm 5'9" and weigh about 160lbs.
I know you're thinking well that's not really a lot for how tall you are. It is though; I normally weigh about 130-140lbs. I can't help but notice that the older I get the fatter I get.
This past summer I was ill and dropped to my lowest weigh since I stopped growing. I weighed 128 lbs. I was not happy. I knew that I was too skinny and had to gain my weight back but then I couldn't stop. Now I'm fat and weigh thirty pounds more than I should.
Melting away the pounds sounds harder than normal. I need help!
Author: Sarah
Age: 16
City: Cork
State/Prov: Munster
Country: Ireland
Hey ya... my name is Sarah. I’m 5"3 inches tall and I weigh about 132 pounds. I have never had huge problems with my weight until I ballooned to 142 pounds when I was 15, so I knew I had to do something about it. I’m still unhappy with my weight because my twin sister only weighs 116 pounds and she’s the same height as me. Does anyone think I’m overweight?
Author: Erika
Age: 15
City: Scottsdale
State/Prov: AZ
Country: United States
I'm 5'7 and 180 lbs. Like everyone else on here, I want to lose weight and get really fit.
But I know that I'll never be "SKINNY" but I don’t know if I want to be. I just want to be normal or a healthy 145 lbs. It may seem as if I'm obese but people tell me I'm not or don't look at it at all.
I don't want to lose weight for boys or really to be popular but I just want to be happy with myself and I think everyone else should lose weight for themselves not anyone else!
Author: Mary
Age: 12
City: Columbus
State/Prov: MI
Country: United States
Well I would like to tell all of you that you are PERFECT no matter what anyone else says. But that doesn't change the fact that we can have insecurities.
I am 12 years old and trust me I’ve had my share of being made fun of. Honestly I am proud that I am not a stick. But I really like to be healthy and not overweight at the age of 12.
I am 5'2" and I weigh about 145 pounds. I just want to feel comfortable with myself and right now I don’t. I have tried some dieting things and exercising but it never seems to work. I hope that if I keep trying, I'll lose some weight!!
Author: Nat
Age: 12
City: San Fransisco
State/Prov: CA
Country: United States
Ok, here is my story. People have made fun of me in 2nd grade and 5th grade. It's really only the boys. It doesn't really bother me though because I have grown stronger over the years. But there is one nice boy, his name is Connor.
One day the two boys who picked one me the most Jay and Stuart were EXTRA picking on me and I just kept insulting them right back. Well, Connor came up to me and said "they are only picking on you because they want you to respond" and I said "thanks".
So ever since then WHENEVER Jay and Stuart even talk to me now, I pretend they aren't alive. I found their weak spots and used it against them. HA, FAT GIRLS WIN!
Author: Sam
Age: 14
City: Franklin
State/Prov: WI
Country: United States
I am 14, 5'2 and 116 Ibs. I think it’s really rude of you people who are leaving comments to call people ridiculous and stupid for wanting to be in better shape.
Obviously the people that come here aren’t happy with the way they look and feel, and shouldn't be made fun of for trying to achieve their goal.
I came here not because I think I’m fat, but because I would like to become fit.
I'm going to Florida in a few months and would like to look good. I think it's stupid how you can criticize people that don’t feel good about themselves, then they come here and they really don't feel good about themselves because you guys have to put them down. Because that’s the impression I got and it made me upset. Worry about yourselves and do what you came here to do.
Advice is fine, but not if you're going to be nasty. Now for help, I really need a way to tighten my body so I look nice in a swimsuit, because I don’t.
Author: Megan
Age: 15
City: Louisville
State/Prov: KY
Country: United States
Okay, I’m 5'3" and I weigh over 150. I feel so ugly and fat.
There are all these girls in my school that are sticks and when I stand by them I feel like an embarrassment.
I feel ugly enough and being almost or overweight makes me feel worse. I feel even worse when my brother and his girlfriend are over seeing as when she was pregnant she was huge but after she had the baby she went from like a size 15 in jeans down to 00 in 2 weeks and my brother jokes on me about it.
Everyone tells me I look fine but when I look in the mirror I look huge. I just want to be skinny and by summer I want to be hanging around with my friends wearing a bikini too. I don't want to feel like an outcast.
I'm on a diet and I've been on it since my birthday which was a long time ago. I don’t eat much meat.
I barley eat at all but I'm Fat and I just want to be skinny.
Author: Darcy
Age: 12
City: Houston
State/Prov: TX
Country: United States
My name is Darcy and I am 5 ft 5 and weigh around 153 pounds. I want to lose weight because next year I'm going into 7th grade and I want to look and feel my best. I've already started, I decided to limit myself when it comes to eating, and so far, I'm doing an OK job.
I gain weight in all the wrong places! My thighs are huge and so are my hips. I do have a pot belly, but it isn't very big because my stomach is flat besides curving up and going out maybe 2 inches. My rib cage sticks out. I would trade my lower half in a second!
Good luck to everyone who is trying to lose weight!
Anyone have any tips on losing weight?
Author: B
Age: 16
City: Maries
State/Prov: Idaho
Country: United States
Hey, I couldn’t believe I found this site!
I can pretty much relate 100%. All my life I have been overweight. My biggest problem with myself is not liking myself.
My best friend of 10 years is a 5 foot 8 dancer and skinny as a pole! I on the other hand am a 170 pound, 5 foot 1 singer in a worship band at my church.
I just really am looking for some ways to lose weight before this summer. I want to get down to 140 in time for a competition my band is participating in July. I hate the feeling of being on stage singing and all the time wondering what people are thinking of me, and wondering if they are judging me for my weight rather than what I stand for.
I just wish I could be happier with myself.
Author: J
Age: 14
City: Philli
State/Prov: PA
Country: United States
Well, I am 16 and weigh 230 lbs. (hate being so fat). I am not really teased in school or anything though because I guess you can say I’m sort of "popular". I want to get my weight down to about 180 for right now. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, and I’m not sure if I will be able to do it.
My mom doesn’t give me the support I need, because she always calls me fat, and sumo wrestler. It’s horrible, I hate it. My dad and brother are way more supportive though, thank God.
I am also in support of everyone else here trying to lose weight, I know how it feels.
I might join the gym 'Curves' and try to go on a diet of less junk foods.
Well, I hope everyone is successful in their weight loss and I wish you all good luck!
Author: Amber
Age: 14
City: Euclid
State/Prov: OH
Country: United States
Hi my name is Amber and I am a 14 year old girl at Euclid and I am 5'5 and I am 211.
I am extremely overweight and I get teased by kids at school and by my own family members so there is no one to turn to kids on the bus don’t want to sit with me because they say I take up all the room and they don’t want to be squished so they tell me to sit by myself.
Also, I really like this guy, but because I am overweight I don’t think he likes me and all of my skinny pretty friends have boyfriends but I have never had a boyfriend in my life.
Somebody please help me.
Author: Emilee
Age: 14
City: Eastern
State/Prov: KY
Country: United States
I'm Emilee, I Know exactly how you all feel!
I am 5'1" & 1/2 and I weigh 180 lbs... I absolutely hate it, I hate the way I look!
I'm not sure if I should even be writing this because I am afraid of my friends or someone I know seeing this, everyone tells me I'm not fat -- but I know I am -- even one of my (best friends) said I was -- right to my face! It hurts more than anything in the world.
I just wish I could look like my friends... they're just beautiful. My main best friend is 13 and is like 5'4 - 5'5 and she weighs about 150. She's not big at all, and she thinks she's fat?
When she says she's fat, it makes me wonder what she thinks about me. The same with my other friend, she's 13, 5'7" and 115 lbs, she thinks she's fat (because people tell her she is).
I Don't understand why someone would do that. It's MEAN and CRUEL. She's popular in school too! I mean... she can get any guy she wants!
Another one of my friends is 13 4'11" and weighs 82 lbs.. she makes comments on my weight all the time!! I remember being new to the school & her being my ONLY friend and she made fun of me because I had acne really bad and I was "fat."
It hurts more than anything in the world to here someone you trust and depend on say something like that!
My friends now are what I want to be, they are pretty, and skinny. I know that I’m a beautiful girl but I want a beautiful body!
Okay, there's this guy I really like and I want to be better and I know I could get him if I tried (but I’m afraid of trying).
I need to lose weight so I could build self esteem (because I have none what so ever) I have tried looking for "fat camps" but there isn't any in my area!
I'm a cheerleader and captain as well! But when I go to games, everyone has to say something like "look how fat the cheerleaders are" and that hurts.
I hate it :(
I have starved my self many times, but that doesn't help! Even my brother said "you’re a beautiful girl and guys would love to have you, but YOU need to get in shape"... (that hurts too).
I had no idea that there were that many people that felt the same as me (I thought I was the only one). I just wish I was like everyone else, skinny and healthy!
I need help,
Author: Brittany
Age: 14
City: Louisville
State/Prov: KY
Country: United States
My name is Brittany, I’m going into high school next year, and by swimming season, I want to loose at least 60-70 pounds. It's almost Christmas time, and I know if I stick to it, I will achieve it.
But see the problem is its so hard for me, the food is jut calling my name I know I can’t eat it I usually never do unless imp depressed. I bought an exercise tape, but I’m embarrassed to do it in front of people (even my mom which is sad).
It's a dance tape and I’m good at it, but I don’t know how I can fit it in my school schedule, and also what do I eat at lunch? Because I want to do weight watchers but it’s hard at school, with the lunch food and all, and my mom won’t let me bring my lunch.
All I want to do by summer is be in a bikini and have respect for my body... Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time :)
Author: Haley
Age: 17
City: Seattle
State/Prov: Washington
Country: United States
The way I look is a HUGE concern for me... no pun intended ; )
I'm always thinking about it; always looking at other girls and wishing I looked like them; wishing I could look that and still eat whatever I wanted too.
I get jealous and wonder if girls like that thank god everyday for their good fortunes; if they look at me and think about how much it would suck to be like that. I desperately want the PERFECT BODY; hell, I would settle for the discipline it took to have such a body. I’m always saying how unfair it is; thinking that feeling sorry for myself is actually doing something, instead of doing anything REAL about my situation.
It’s not fair, why do I have to work to be skinny when it comes so naturally to other girls. I'm 17 not 30, I shouldn’t be worrying about my weight so much!! I’m wasting too much time thinking about this; it only makes me more depressed. its on my mind so much, but sometimes I just get so sick of it all that I convince myself that I don’t care anymore & that’s when I start to “pig out”.
This happens every time; I do this every time I’ll loose 5 lbs and then I’ll gain it all back in literally a day. Afterwards, I always hate myself for it, so then I eat more because I figure I’ve already ruined things, so I should eat whatever I want, because the damage is already done (I don’t care anyways remember….YAH RIGHT!!!).
It’s disgusting really, me and all my friends always joke about how much we eat, but I wonder if they even comprehend how much I eat when I complain along with them. When I say “I've eaten a lot,” I mean I have eaten ALOT, more than have that’s for sure. I’ll eat a HUGE bowl, and then right after that I’ll eat 2 or 3 packs of peanut butter crackers (this is all within an hr of when I wake up). I’ll tell myself that I’m going to the gym, but I know I won’t; I know I’ll just keep eating.
Because we don’t have any real food in the house --for the very purpose that this wont happen-- I eat whatever I can find, slices of bread, soup, oatmeal, popcorn, frozen dinners, pretzels, wheat thins; ONCE I START EATING I CANT STOP. The truth is that all my friends have no clue... but I wish they did.
They have no idea where I’m coming from. The truth is that I’m coming from a place where food is the only thing I think about…EVER. Either I’m thinking about what not to eat, or I’m thinking about what to eat.
My mom hates when I eat; I feel like I can’t eat around her. It’s like she likes me better when I’m skinnier. I’m 5'2 and weight around 130, so I’m not overweight at all, but she thinks I am.
My mother has the perfect body and she’s always throwing it in my face, thinking it will motivate me. She says she does it because she hates too see me like that; she says I’m a totally different person when I’m overweight, and that she can’t stand to see me like that; she says she knows how I feel when I don’t like how I look, and that it kills her to see me like this; she says that this is why she is constantly nagging me about what and how much I eat. I guess I understand, but that doesn’t stop me from hating her for it…..but I DO HATE HER FOR IT.
So, I hide food--everywhere-- under couches, pillows, and my bed. She always finds it though, and says things like, "You can be a fat pig if you want, I don’t care…. but stop hiding the food and acting like you’re on a diet."
I know she does care: I know what she really wants to say, what she really means; I know that she’s only mad because I’M BECOMING THE FAT ASS SHE NEVER WANTED.
This triggers me into another starvation diet, and the cycle begins all over again.
I’m writing this because it happened again today. I lost weight, and now I’ve gained it back by eating food I hate and that I’m not even hungry for. Something is wrong with me and I don’t know what it is or how to fix it.
Each time I say I’m going to change but I never do. I’m sick of starving myself, eating a ton, and then being fat but not admitting it too myself because I’m in a state of denial. The cycle is just going to begin again and I no it will.
I’m so disgusted with myself.
Author: Maggie
Age: 15
City: New Orleans
State/Prov: Louisiana
Country: United States
I hate to see people say they're upset with their weight, they want to lose some, & that they're just about starving themselves to lose weight. It isn't going to help - starving isn't the way to shed those unwanted pounds.
I recommend finding your BMR - the amount of calories your body burns a day just to function. You need that much a day, if you eat more & exercise to burn the extra calories, you'll be fine.
Most of the time, I'm sure you guys aren't fat. Check your BMI, as well; there are plenty of online calculators you can use to figure it out. Your weight is only a number & don't let it control your life. Keep your chin up & focus on your goals.
You can do it - you can achieve a healthy lifestyle & accept your body! If you want to talk to me, feel free to post here... I'm willing to talk whenever =)
Author: Britney
Age: 15
City: Peterborough
State/Prov: ON
Country: Canada
Okay, well I am 15 years old. I weigh 140 lbs. My height is 5 feet 7 inches. I am very uncomfortable with my body.
I have stretch marks on my boobs, butt and thighs, and I also have cellulite on my butt and thighs.
The majority of my friends only weigh between 105 pounds to 115 pounds. I feel so- different around them. As if I really shouldn’t be hanging out with them. And the weird part is, they aren’t very active, and I am! I walk 35 minutes to and from school everyday, I horseback ride, I bike, and I play lacrosse and volleyball.
I just don’t understand how to loose weight. Right now, I am planning to train my body to be smaller. I want to get a corset and train my stomach to be smaller. As for the rest of my body, I don’t know. I guess I will just have to take all of your advice! By the way, if you weigh 130 and under, you are not fat or overweight!!
Author: Brianna
Age: 15
City: Waterford
State/Prov: CA
Country: United States
My name is Breanna and I use to weigh 215 pounds.
I tried many exercise routines to try and lose the flab around my tummy and my THUNDER THIGHS (JK I call them thunder thighs but everyone says they aren't) but nothing seemed to work.
I play for the High School *Volleyball* team and we have to wear short spandex to match the team which doesn't bother me that much anymore but I use to feel that everyone in the crowd was staring at me and my problems.
Then I heard about this camp called Academy of the Sierras about 6 months ago and it is the BEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Within that 6 month period I lost 98 pounds and am a complete new person. I recommend this Academy to everyone b/c it truly works. There is a website with recipes and information about this camp so please if you have the time look it up. I now weight 116.8 pounds.
Author: Laura
Age: 13
City: HollyWood
State/Prov: NJ
Country: United States
Hi, my name is Laura, I’m 12 yrs old I was 182 lbs and then I lost 10 lbs by Jump Roping so now I’m 172, but I’m not happy yet.
I try to keep going but all my friends are like really thin and I’m the only one that’s "fat."
I've been teased since I was about in 1st grade and since I've entered Middle School everyone is mature about it and no one teases me. I really like this boy at my school and I think I’m motivating myself for both -- my health and for him -- cuz all the people he has dated in the past are really thin. Just recently my Endocrinologist (I think that's what he is called) put me on glucophage, but I’m not a diabetic.
It has mostly helped me, but it’s made me throw up once and I have diarrhea almost after 2 meals. I have a very low self-esteem and I feel like I have to wear a jacket with every cute outfit I have. I’ve recently fit into Abercrombie jeans and I love it! but I still want to lose more because I still tell my self I’m fat.
I have a best friend that helps me a lot but she ditches me but she really helps me with dieting IM me at Juiicybabii94 if u want to talk about your "weight" or what else I did to lose my 10 lbs.
Author: Bob
Age: 13
City: Corinth
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
Wow, I never knew there where this many people that have the same weight problem as me. Well I’m 165 pounds and have a bad eating disorder and I’ve been doing many diets like the organic and South Beach diet and none of them have been working for me.
My BMI is 44.6 which is very unhealthy for me because it can cause health issues in the future and I want to live a long and healthy life.
Also I’m a young and attractive man and my weight issue has just but a mask on me and it says loser so fellow teens please help me lose weight and I will help you guys too as much as possible.
Author: Alexis
Age: 13
City: Red Deer
State/Prov: Alberta
Country: Canada
All I need is encouragement to stop eating so regularly.
I ride horses once a week, and have PE everyday and volleyball, so I do get lots of exercise. I weight 135 pounds and I’m 13-14 in January, but I just really need to cut back on the junk food.
Won’t someone be buddies with me and we can loose weight together?
Author: Ashley
Age: 19
City: Beaumont
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
Hi... well, I'm writing this to let over-weight teens know that I have finally learned the key to losing weight.
All my life I have been over-weight. I am currently 284 lbs and I'm proud of it. I have come a very long way. I use to get teased in high school, but I never let anyone know that it got to me. I tried many diets, but it seemed as if none of them worked.
One day I woke up feeling very depressed, ugly, and unattractive. My brother noticed and said, “Ash, you're really pretty if you just stop wearing them BIG PEOPLE clothes." I was shocked that he had the nerve to tell me how to dress, but I listened to him. He told me that I need to wear clothes that fits me.
He also told me that it's how you "hold yourself" that really matters. He said that you could be the ugliest girl in the world. But if you hold yourself with respect, then respect is what you'll get. I realized that he was right.
I have always walked around school with my head down, wearing baggy clothes, and scared to death that someone was going to talk about me that day. Maybe if I had held my head high, their words wouldn't have hurt me. Maybe they would have left me alone. I took my brother words to my heart.
I then looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful person. She wasn't fat, but she had a lot of curves. Her face was smooth with big brown eyes and a mouth girls would die for.
The person was me.
I then realized that everyone is beautiful in their own special way. I am no longer a fat woman, but a full figure woman with style. That's what I now call myself. I decided to lose weight for me. Not for my boyfriend, mother, or friends, but for me.
I don't exercise, but I eat a lot of veggies and meat. I may cheat and have ice cream and cake every now and then, but it's okay. I have finally learned to love myself. I have lost 20 lbs so far. I'm beautiful and no one could ever change my mind. The secret to losing weight is not diet or exercise. The secret is to love yourself.
Tell yourself that you are beautiful, smart, and alive. If you want to lose weight. Lose it because YOU want to, because in the end it's your happiness that matters.
When you accomplish that first step, you could then achieve anything.
Author: Laura
Age: 14 1/2
City: Medellin
Country: Colombia
Wow... I am truly impressed to see how many kids are suffering with the whole weight issue! Well I have a huge problem... you see, the thing is in my culture when a girl turns 15 is they have their QUINCES or sweet 15... Well I used to live in the U.S. but in December I moved back here to Colombia with my parents.
The thing is -- ever since I got here -- I have gained weight. I had a boy friend but we broke up. but I loved him sooo much.
The problem is that I want to lose weight for many reasons. The first is because of my sweet 15, so I look very beautiful, but here’s the catch, I already bought the dress & I don’t know if it will still fit me.
I want to join a gym but my parents don't want to pay for it since it is too expensive & they don't have time to take me & I can’t walk around the block because it is very dangerous. So what should I do?
The second reason is because I really want this guy to notice what he is missing out on. The look at me & realize I am such an idiot for not valuing what I had and third because in this country everyone is in shape.
There are no over weight people and so my dad is always saying that I am fat & stuff, but he doesn't even bother to pay for my gym.
I don’t know what to do. Can someone please help me with anything in anyway, a diet that anyone has done & has worked or any advice on what I should do?
Author: Jessica
Age: 15
City: brampton
State/Prov: ON
Country: Canada
This message is to Karen... I'm 15 5'4 about 200 lbs.
I think the things you said were really inspiring and I’m going to try to remember your words when I’m working towards my goal.
I'm not an unrealistic person so I want to get down to 140. I've been struggling with my weight for my whole life. I think I’m pretty but there is always the weight distracting from that.
I really want to lose weight and I hope this will be the time I do it.
Thanks a lot,
Author: Jenny
Age: 13
City: Brisbane
State/Prov: Queensland
Country: Australia
Hi I’m Jenny. I'm 13, last time I checked, 160cm tall and 77kg.
I got teased like hell at school. When I started high school, it got better because there were more people to tease and I was left alone.
I want to loose 17kg before Christmas because I am going to see my family and I want to show them what I can do.
My grandfather once said to me, "If you don’t stop eating you're going to be really big and unhealthy one day Jenny."
Which just made me emotional. And when I get emotional I EAT. I am a compulsive eater. I don’t eat because I’m hungry; I eat because it tastes good or because I’m bored. I'm actually a very good cook which doesn't help an awful lot.
Sure I do exercise but I hate its guts and I’m not exactly healthy.
In Queensland (where I live), its school holidays and me being me I get bored and, you guessed it, eat. I'm sick of how I look! I want to make a change!
A big one. Can anyone help me?
Author: Leah
Age: 19
City: Holmdel
State/Prov: NJ
Country: United States
I’m writing to Deniqua...
Don't ever let people get you down like that; it’s not at all healthy for you. Those boys are silly and young, and someday they'll be sorry.
Just keep your head up and maybe start riding a bike, or going for a walk around the block with a friend or CD player.
Exercising will make you feel better I SWEAR!!! Eating less sugar and fried or junk foods will too.
You will feel great and look great in no time, just remember, you're beautiful as long as you are yourself!
Author: Molly
Age: 14
City: Douglasville
State/Prov: GA
Country: United States
Hi! My name is Molly, I am fourteen and I just started high school. I am about 5'3'' and I weigh about 240 pounds.
The only "weird" thing about me is that I am pretty happy with myself, and even though I don't exactly like the way I look, I figure that if I am this size, I might as well be somewhat happy.
Diabetes runs in my family, and I know that if I don't do something about my weight soon I'm never going to be able to eat cake again.
Let me give you a little background, my mother, sister, and my brother have all lost significant amounts of weight, but I still haven't. I know I need to and I really want to, but I don't think that I'm fully committed. It scares me that in the past year or so I have gained almost 30 lbs, making me weigh 240.
Going back to my background, don't have the misconception that I eat unhealthy, I eat very healthy, I just eat too much and I don't exercise... very much or obviously not enough.
I don't really know what to do, I'm kind of stuck, any advice?
Author: Megan
Age: 16
City: Brilliant
State/Prov: AL
Country: United States
Okay. So about me, I am 16 and I weigh somewhere between 170-200 lbs.
I have severe back pain and I am unable to sleep at night. No one ever sees me in shorts: I hate my legs too much.
I only wear shirts that have sleeves that come down to my elbows: I hate my arms too much, also. I can’t stand to see myself in the mirror everyday.
I've tried to come up with ways to lose my weight, but nothing really helps and none of my family is very encouraging, except maybe my great-grandmother, but her favorite saying is, "Megan.
If you don’t stop eating so much you going to be as big as the side of the house."
And THAT is definitely no help to me it just makes me feel worse. To top it all off, I inherited clinical depression from my mother and that is no help either. I have by this night decided that I will spend every waking moment for at least the next month working out and watching what I eat.
I am most determined to lose my weight. And if I have good results for this month, I will continue the month thereafter and so on. I have even tried unhealthy ways to lose weight. But I can’t 'stop' eating. I like food too much. And I have tried to puke my guts out. but it disgusts me to puke...
I am a very sad person.
Author: Deniqua
Age: 12 and 1/2
City: Fayetteville
State/Prov: NC
Country: United States
It all started out last year when I was in fifth grade that I really notice that I had an over weight problem.
My friend’s boyfriends called me names at school. They would pick on me, and I would not do anything.
I remember the last day before school ended. It was the awards program and my friend's boyfriend and his friend picked on me. I did not do anything.
I was crying and everybody saw me. It was embarrassing. So after I got my award I went to the bathroom. I remember that it took 2 teacher's to come in that bathroom to get me out.
That was embarrassing. I have learned that I will never let nobody just talk to me and any kind of way. Everybody needs respect.
I want to say to all girls that are going through this "God loves you." So don't let them pick on you. You have to say something back to them or they are going to continue picking on you.
I know what you are going through because I have been through it. Keep your head up. You will make it!
Author: Ashley
Age: 18
City: Lindsay
State/Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Hey... My name is Ashley I am 18 years old. When I was little I got epilepsy and it was not fun having that and the doctor put me on these pill that would make me eat and put on weight but also made the epilepsy go away at the same time.
Now I am 280 pounds and I am trying so hard to get rid of it but it's doesn’t seem to be working out and being in school wasn't fun either I got called really bad names and I use to come home crying now I am not in school.
I am happy bc I am not getting made fun of I could not even walk down the halls with out getting made fun of.
Author: Angela
Age: 13
City: Decatur
State/Prov: AL
Country: United States
I am replying to Amber of Milledgeville, GA.
You should talk to your Mom, Dad, friend or anyone that you feel comfortable talking to about your weight.
Fill them in on any ideas you have to help you lose some pounds. This really helps... Get your parents on board too!
That way - it takes a TON of pressure off your shoulders. Most of ya'll out there might hate grocery shopping. I know I do, but try to take time of your schedule and put some healthy foods in your fridge.
Grapes are my favorite fruit. So what if you don’t like many greens and carrots, stick with what good foods you do like, but eat lots of it.
The start of a diet is the hardest, so use the healthy foods you do enjoy, and work your way up to trying new ones. :)
Author: Elizabeth
Age: 12
City: Eastham
State/Prov: MA
Country: United States
Hey, I’m Elizabeth and I’m writing to Christina of Oregon.
How did you lose all that weight? I’ve tried I would love to lose 40 pounds by the beginning of 7th grade (I’m going into 6th). Please write back Christine.
Author: Amber
Age: 15
City: Milledgeville
State/Prov: Georgia
Country: United States
Hi everyone, my name is Amber and I’m 15 years old 5'5 and weigh 230.
I and very shy and hate the way I look I also have stretch marks all over which makes me very embarrassed and feel like no one will ever love me.
I try to eat less but when I look in the fridge all I see is something bad -- but good to eat -- and I just take it.
Well if anyone has any ideas on how to help me become more confident or on how to lose weight the good way let me know (I can’t believe I am writing this because I feel like people are just going to laugh).
Author: Penny
Age: 14
City: Peterborough
State/Prov: England
Country: UK
Hi, this is a note to Becky who posted a message saying she wants to lose weight and only has 4 weeks of summer left.
Hi Becky, I'm trying to do the same as you, lose weight in the summer so I can be slimmer when I get back to school.
Eating healthy can be really hard I know that! I eat a lot of tuna and try and eat as much fruit as I can and if you look round supermarkets you will see plenty of sweet things to eat which are low calorie and low fat. But the main thing is exercise.
Now I hate it! I never do it unless it's P.E but I have found a really great way to exercise everyday in your own home or even in your room - buy a workout DVD.
There should be plenty around and there’s loads of celebrities who have one. They really work and they tire you out so much! I have a Charlie Brooks one and it leaves me exhausted and sweating and it really does work.
So just keep at it because you will lose weight!
Author: Becky
Age: 13
City: Levittown
State/Prov: PA
Country: USA
I'm Becky. I'm 5'3, weigh 225 and I really need to loose weight before school starts. I've been trying all summer, and nothings worked.
I have 4 weeks left until I have to go back and I want to loose like 50 pounds or something.
If you have any advise please let me know.
Author: Kristin
Age: 16
City: Bryan
State/Prov: Texas
Country: USA
Hi everyone… well I guess we could start out with information about me. I don't consider myself overweight at all... I'm 5'8" and I weight about 135.
I do have a little purge on my stomach ... but I don't mind it at all! I also have pretty big breasts (36D). I hate them though lol... I can't wear cute shirts with out them showing to the whole world!
Well that's not really the problem I have come here for. I actually came here to talk to everyone who has left comments or advice.
I know that appearance means a lot to people these days. I don't understand why though. You should feel comfortable with yourself no matter how tall, short, or how much you weight. I just absolutely hate it when people walk around complaining about their weight when they're tiny little sticks.
I know that you may think you're fat. But trust me you're not!! Anyways... guys like a little stuff... they don't like holding on to skin and bones! Seriously. They think it's disgusting.
I'm not saying exercise is bad. It’s very good for your health. I exercise at least 3 times a week... but I don't do it because I think I'm fat. I do it because it makes me feel good that I'm treating my body well. I do it for the adrenaline rush.
So please just trust me when I say it doesn't matter what you look like. And you shouldn't care what other people say. Or don't say about you. If that's their opinion. Let them think that... most of the time if they're making fun of you, it's because they're insecure with themselves!
Please don't look up to models and movie stars... they're very bad role models!
Author: Karen
Age: 17
City: Toronto
State/Prov: ON
Country: Canada
Hello everyone,
My name is Karen and I have spend the last hour reading all the forums. First let me give you some back up info on me.
I was always the fat girl with the pretty face, the girl with the personality, all my family has always been thin and I always was "thick."
Two years ago life hit me hard, I am a very short person only 5"2 and my weight reached 215 pounds, the sad thing is I got to find this out in front of my grade 10 class in the middle of a bunch of skinny girls, I cried myself to sleep every night.
After reading some of the post all I have to tell you is stick with your diet and you will succeed... TRUST ME!
Two year have gone by and I have lost 85 pounds, I went to my Senior Prom a couple of weeks ago, and the way I felt when I put on that dress is something food will never give you, also I can run for 45 minutes straight and the ecstasy that gives you, can never be replace.
To be truthful I have never been really good to my diets nor faithful to my exercises but I did it, the fat girl with the pretty face, now I am just the pretty girl.
I still have to lose 15 more pounds to be in perfect weight. But I know that I can do it and so can you all, just have faith and give your self a chance to be happy, don't try anything stupid like pills or starving. Do it the healthy way, do it the right way, trust me is reward full.
Author: Janette
Age: 13
City: Myerstown
State/Prov: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Hi my name is Janette. I never have found a website where I can express my feelings about my weight without being embarrassed. I am 5 ft 8 in and weigh 214 pounds.
But when I lose weight I gain it back because it is really hard for me to stay on a diet. I even brought Slimfast to school and everybody laughed at me.
I cry everyday thinking bout if I will get diabetes or not. My dad has diabetes because of obesity. My mom used to but she lost a lot of weight, but that’s just from surgery.
If anybody could give me tips to stay on a diet please tell me.
Everyday I get made fun of at school and it hurts my feelings a lot. Over this summer I want to lose 30 pounds to go from a size XXL shirt to at least a large.
So if anybody can give me tips please tell me... I only got 2 months!
Author: Breanna
Age: 14
City: New Richmond
State/Prov: WI
Country: United States
Hey Everyone,
I am 14, 5'8" and I weigh 145. Now I don't know if this is a bad weight. But when I was 12 I weighed 110.
35 pounds in two years is quite a jump. It might be because I’m involved in more sports but every time my friend talk about weight I lie and say I’m 130.
I feel embarrassed and the sight of a scale makes me feel so frustrated.
Especially since I play volleyball you have to wear tight spandex and next year I'll be in the high school. I'm just starting to try drinking water instead of pop. What are some good exercises I can use to workout my legs and butt?
Well it would be really nice to have a friend to talk about these kinds of things with.
I mean all my best friends are gorgeous with adorable curves and silky hair. I kind of lacking in those categories can't really talk about the subject of overweight with them.
I would really like to find a friend who I can talk about these kinds of things with. Make sure you make the title READ THIS Breanna or something that will catch my eye.
Author: Sloane
Age: 13
City: Glendale
State/Prov: Arizona
Country: United States
My name is Sloane, and I have weight problems. I am obese. I weight like 165 and I’m only 5'4. That is definitely not proportional.
I don’t know what to do. I try diets, and they don’t work for me. I've tried working out. And the only thing I like about me is my butt.
I would like some help on a good, healthy diet that will help me lose like 40 pounds. No instantly, but not taking forever. I just want to look good for my freshman year.
Please help me.
Author: Kathy
Age: 16
City: Felicia
State/Prov: Clinique
Country: United Kingdom
I am at the weight of 180 and I am 5,8'. I thought everything was fine but my mother and family got on me about my weight. I have been trying to loose weight for about 3 years, and its not really working. I read a couple online things, I switched all my drinks to water and went on a 1,000 calorie diet.
It was working, but I didnt know it. I also exercised everyday! I thought it wasn’t working because I didnt see a change, but then I looked in the mirror and my face was skinnier. I stepped on the scale and I lost 7 pounds, but because I stopped working as hard as I did.
I cant seem to go back to the way I was. I am buying cookies and all this other junk food. I really want to improve myself for next year, I want to be able to have a bikini and to wear it without having people stare at me like "Wow she's fat". My friends don’t think I’m fat, but I do.
Most guys don’t, but I do. I just cant be happy with myself knowing that diabetes runs in the family and I have a VERY HIGH chance in getting it. I’ve talked with my dr. and she said 150 is a great weight for me. So I need to loose 30 pounds.
Then I will probably be happier with my body. But then again, I might not be because something else will go wrong. Such as my skin or my face. I’m pretty now, but what about if I loose weight and I get ugly? I just really want to loose weight.
I’m in love with food. I am an emotional eater and I am sick of being the way I am!
Author: Miranda
Age: 15
City: Mebane
State/Prov: North Carolina
Country: United States
I'm 15 years old, 5'9" and I weigh 205 pounds. I really need help. I'm embarassed to wear shorts because my thighs are huge.
I would like to be down to a size 6 before I start high school. I have stretch marks and I really don't know how to get rid of them. I am trying to eat healthier but it is really hard.
I am willing to get help from anyone that will help.
Author: Abby
Age: 13
City: Marietta
State/Prov: Geogia
Country: United States
Howdy everybody!!
My name is Abby, and I'm 13, 5'2, and I way 133 pounds. I'm a soccer player and a cheerleader. Plus I eat better then most of my friends.
Yet my best friend Leah who is 5'3, 13, and who does the same sports as me, but eats way worse is like 98 pounds.
Next year I'm going into the 8th grade do I want to be more comfortable this summer, but my doctor says that my bone structure can't take being less than 110 pounds!
Does anybody have any advice?
Author: Danielle
Age: 14
City: Ketchikan
State/Prov: Alaska
Country: United States
My name is Danielle and I'm allmost 14 (June 14th of this year I'll be 14) anyways... I'm 5'6 and I weigh about 225 lbs and I am so miserable, all my friends are so SKINNY like 110 and stuff like that and peaole always make fun of me. I have tried to sign up for "fat-camps" but my mom says that they are to expensive so if anyone has anything I can do at home please let me know.
Thank you so much.
Author: Charisse
Age: 14
City: Pittsburgh
State/Prov: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Hey Courtney of Cleveland, I know exactly how you feel. I am 14 years old and I way 195 pounds. All my other friends weigh 103 pounds and they keep saying that they are over weight. My doctor told me to drop down to 100 pounds, but every time I try to lose weight -- I gain it!
Author: Erica
Age: 14
City: Las Vegas
State/Prov: Nevada
Country: United States
Hey my name is Erica and I am 14 years old. I am 5'4'' and weigh about 125. I know that my BMI and my weight to height are healthy but I feel uncomfortable and fat.
Honestly my main fat problem is my abs and stomach area, which I want to look good for summer '06. Every one says that I am still growing but I feel for my sake that I need to tone this problem area.
Plus I feel like a hypocrite because I say, oh I am going to go on a diet and exercise religiously but I get so crammed with stuff and homework and then I usually end up messing up on the weekends.
I feel it would help to have someone sort of watching over me that I can report to at the end of each week because I want to lose about 15 lbs but I get lazy and busy. So if any one has any suggestions or wants to be "my look over" please let me know by posting here... Thanks
Author: Erin
Age: 15
City: South Ogden
State/Prov: Utah
Country: United States
Hi gals!
Ummm... I am 5'7"and am 200 pounds.
I really want to lose weight, but my family isn't to supportive. My family is all overweight too, but they don't ever stick to anything.
The thing that got me started on this was in school we started doing swing dances in my drama class.
This overweight boy picked me to be his partner and then once he saw we had to do lifts and dips and stuff went around the class asking to trade partners. It made me feel so terrible about myself that I thought about starving myself (but I knew if I did I would be in more trouble than I am right now).
I just need some advice on how to get started and maybe some diets that work. THANKS!
Author: Tiana
Age: 14
City: Brooklyn
State/Prov: New York
Country: United States
Hi, my name is Tiana... and I’m so tired of being "thick", I was never even considered that at all.
When I was young I was always fit. I play basketball, I go to the gym... but I could never get on a diet. I have tried so many but I can't find the motivation to continue the diet.
I’m tired of hearing "your fine the way you are" because I know it's a lie to help me feel better.
I need some motivation and a diet or activity that will help me achieve my goal of losing at least 10 lbs.
But I need to lose it in 2 months for my aunt's wedding. I know it doesn’t seem like much but believe me it would make a big difference.
Please if anyone has an idea of how to help me... let me know.
Author: Nikkie
Age: 14
City: New Orleans
State/Prov: Louisiana
Country: United States
Hello yall, my name is Nikkie... and I have a weight problem.
I’m only 5 foot and I weight 195 lbs... now that’s bad!
I mean, I’m popular and I have a lot of really nice SKINNY friends who love me -- but I just hate being the fat one all the time... and they all have really cute boyfriends but not me!
There is this boy that likes me -- and I like him too -- but I don’t like myself, so I don’t want to go out wit him... but I really do like him.
And food I just love it. I live in new Orleans and we have the best food and you can tell by looking at some of the people here... but I have been dieting and I lost 15lbs but I feel as though I can't do it any more I want to take diet pills but I know they r bad so I’m not going to do it...
I also think I’m gaining more weight because of stress... I have a lot of stress mainly because of everything that is going on here in new Orleans some of you may already know but there was a major hurricane that hit here and I have lost a lot of friends!! (they had to move)
I also don’t have a house right now -- I’m living in a trailer still after I think 6 months!! and I hate it and on top of it all school!!... but if yall have any ideas on how I can lose weight let me know.
Thanks lots.
Author: Shauna
Age: 14
City: Langley
State/Prov: BC
Country: Australia
Hey everyone, my names Shauna G. and I’m 14 years old.
I’m so unhappy with my stomach right now its not even funny. My friend keeps asking me to go swimming but I keep telling her no and making up excuses because I think I’m to fat.
Last year I went swimming and I thought I look great. I’ve only gained a few pounds but to myself I look so much bigger! I wants abs that I can showoff and no ones going to make fun of me for. I’m quite active. I do crunches whenever there’s nothing else to do and before I go to bed every night and I do p.e in school and go out to play with my dogs a lot.
I have friends that just eat and eat and eat and they're so skinny and pretty and I don’t know how they do it! I eat healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinner’s everyday and I don’t snack a whole lot so I’m really confused right now. It sounds like I’m doing everything right but I don’t seem to be looking any better. If anyone has any advice please tell me!
And when you guys say cardio work out. What does that mean? I need a website I can go to or something that will help me find out more on how to do all these exercises and get more muscular.
Author: Emma
Age: 14
City: Princeton
State/Prov: Minnesota
Country: United States
Hey, my name is Emma, and I am about 5'4, and I weigh about 155 lbs. I hate being overweight, and its not like I don't exercise, I sled, ride bike, walk my dogs, I do lots!
I just have a problem with trying to sneak food, I wish I didn't do it, but I do! And I hate how all my friends are so thin and pretty, and I'm good looking, I just wish I could wear a bikini, or a cute top that figures me well. But what can I do, when I am already doing whatever I can, I NEED HELP.
Author: Evelyn
Age: 13
City: Pensacola
State/Prov: Florida
Country: United States
Well my name is Evelyn and I’m overweight.
I’m about "5'6" and I weigh 175 pounds. Some times I just hate myself because of hate the way I look. I’ve tried everything from Atkins to Zantrex!! But nothing ever seems to work.
Don’t get me wrong, nothing was done to provoke my well fatness, I’m in honors society, warriors for Christ, and I have honors classes and people expect me to be perfect don to my very last toe!!
People say I’m not fat and that I’m just "chubby" but what they are really saying is I don’t have the heart to tell you that you have the body build of an elephant and though they mean well, it hurts. And know that I feel this way I find my self more sensitive and even more self conscious. I feel like there’s no way out besides death!!
Author: Krystal
Age: 14
City: Richboro
State/Prov: PA
Country: United States
Hi, I’m Krystal and I’m about 5"6 and I weigh about 186 pounds. I have always been heavy, but during middle school and high school is really when I started to get pretty concerned about my weight. I am very athletic and I stay active.
I go to the gym 3 times a week and I play basketball soccer, and I swim. I do try to eat healthy, it’s just... everything is so tempting! All of my friends say " I’m not that fat" and I know they mean well, but hello open your eyes, I’m gross!!! The thing about me though is that I am in shape, and I have a lot of muscle.
I am well known, and friends with everyone. I am very outgoing, happy, really funny, and I laugh like it’s my job. I think that I could be so much happier if I were just to be happy with my image. I have a great life, my family is amazing, my friends kick butt, and life’s just good. I think my problem is that I eat way too much of bad stuff.
My advise for teens overweight is to get active, it only makes you feel better, get help from your family and friends, and just don't let it get to you because when I let my weight get to me, I am miserable.
But when I just say yeah whatever, I got plenty of friends and my family loves me I live life and I’m one of the happiest people you will pass by.
Author: Machayla
Age: 14
City: Los Angeles
State/Prov: CA
Country: United States
Hey girls I'm 14 about 4"11 really - REALLY - really short 4 my age and about 111 pounds. I am not overweight per say, but I have a huge problem with my THIGHS more than ANYTHING else I would do anything 4 slimmer thighs. Summer is a living hell for me because you are always wearing shorts or bathing suites.
Last summer was so bad that I never went to a beach or pool etc. without a pair of shorts over bathing suits intending to hide my CHUBBY THIGHS I'm trying to lose 10 lbs before sophomore year is that realistic? I've been telling myself this since the middle of 7th GRADE but no matter how hard I try I FAIL and fail and FAIL its very stressful and disappointing.
I'm dong this for my thighs obviously but also to approve to myself that I can have enough self-control that I can set a goal and accomplish this.
I exercise 4 out of the 7 days of the week I don't deprive myself of food I just have these constant BINGE DAYS where I overeat it use to be only one day a week now its turn to almost every other day and I can't stop myself. Does anyone have any advice?
Good Luck to ALL of you and KUDOS to those who have achieved their goal
Author: Jilian
Age: 13
City: Hamilton
State/Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Hey everyone,
I'm 13 and in grade 8 going into high school next year. I'm 5 "6" or so and I weigh 185. I've always practically been over weight which I just can't stand anymore! One of the hardest things to do is go into a clothing store and try to find something that fits, looks decent, and is comfortable. And everytime something doesn't fit or such it makes me feel sooo fat. Especially when I'm with friends that always look their best no matter what they wear.
The thing is that I'm not very good at keeping a diet going. I always seem to back myself into a corner and can't get out. I am on the basketball team and was on the volleyball team but the season is now over. So I'm still keeping active playing basketball. Plus I walk to school and back every day (not like I have a choice).
Every day I go to school and see those girls with their thin bodies it makes me feel like such an outsider. I never get made fun of or anything but I'm just one with the crowd. I'm always wondering what people really think of me and how I look though.
By the end of the this summer my goal is to have lost enough weight to look good enough and have enough self-esteem to enter high school. I would just be so proud of myself if I kept my goal and finally looked good for the first time in my life.
So I would like to say thanks to all the people who have posted their stories that inspired me.
Author: Becky
Age: 21
City: College Station
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
First off, I need to say that I'm about to finish my bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology, so trust me on what I'm gonna say.
Girls, be happy with your body. I'm 5'4", 125, and size 2. Do I have problem areas? SURE! But I'm active and healthy which means more to me than the number on the scale!
I know its very tempting to want to be stick skinny and have 0 fat. But the truth is when you get to a low body fat, you will pay the price. If you drop below a certain body fat percentage, you will stop having periods. Sound great? Wrong, b/c estrogen is no longer circulating in your system... meaning you can actually become post-menopausal in your teens. You can even start to develop osteoporosis (lose bone) and once that’s gone, its near impossible to regain.
So please, look in the mirror tonight and notice how beautiful you are. You may not have that typical model look but who wants that?!?!? All my guy friends LOVE a girl with a curvy body because they look HEALTHY. Start focusing on your health and not the numbers... and remember that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Author: Shima
Age: 13
City: Saint Paul
State/Prov: Minnesota
Country: United States
Hola. Okay, so I am 13 and I weight somewhere between 125 and 130.
First off, I have to say that looking at the scale helps not a bit. It makes me feel so ugly and fat.
I have started a diet, where I basically eat a granola bar and fruit as well as a zero calorie soda for lunch. When you diet, you know you're doing something when you can feel it, not see it on the scale. I have been feeling so much better lately...
Another thing that I've noticed is that I am not actually hungry, I just want to chew something. So I chew gum, like I am right now. I'm not Violet but it does help. It keeps your mouth preoccupied.
I have also been eating a healthier dinner. My dad is very generous with servings, so lately I've been making my own dinners, earlier in the day, say around 4. That way, it doubles as a snack and dinner.
For breakfast, I usually have a granola bar and a hot cocoa or a glass of milk. I don't like to eat in the morning, but by 10:00 my stomach is howling. It doesn't help that I sit by all the skinny preps, either.
I read on a website that if you decrease you calorie intake by 500, you will lose a pound in a week. That would be like dropping three cans of soda, because each one has about 200 calories. So if you had water instead of soda, that's 4 pounds a month and about (I'm not good at math) 45 pounds for a year!
I bet we all can do it- we just gotta be positive!
Author: Mary
Age: 16
City: San Antonio
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
I found this page through a Google search. I noticed that a lot of YOUNGER "teens" were posting. By younger I mean 12 and 13 year old girls and a few boys.
I just wanted to say I think it's great that you might want to flatten your tummy and loose weight, however, you might want to ask your parents what they think is best for you. Ask them to look at your height and age, ask THEM to do the research to see if you are even slightly overweight.
I am sure they do not want you to starve yourselves to get thinner if you only weigh 95 lbs. Just make sure you ask your parents. Puberty also plays a role in weight fluctuations.
You all are at the general age where you voices are changing and your bodies are morphing. Please allow some time for you body to finish growing, BEFORE you go on a diet or ask for a personal trainer.
Author: Lucy
Age: 14
City: London
State/Prov: Bucks
Country: United Kingdom
Hey, I really want to lose weight I’m 5ft, 9 inches and 10 and a half stone. I see all the beautiful skinny girls on TV and it sucks, I just want to be thin like them but I am a proper food addict, I think about food all the time (and I can’t stop).
Just remember your not alone and also you can be as thin as you want ,you are in control of your own body and if other people can do it so can you.. don’t waste your life that’s what I say to myself : )
Author: Rylee
Age: 16
City: Torrance
State/Prov: CA
Country: United States
Hello everyone,
I've always been "fat" until last year when I lost about 50 pounds. I was about 215 and I was absolutely miserable, worst feeling ever.
So everyone, it's all possible to lose weight! Determination is the key. Have faith, good luck with you all!
Author: Amber
Age: 21
City: Lanes
State/Prov: WV
Country: United States
Hello Everyone, I know that I am a little too old to be on a teen writers page, but I found it while I was looking for plus size clothes, which I’m sure you all know are hard to find. I have read most of your comments and I too am over weight.
I was teased and picked on in school. Middle and Junior High is the worst.
As high school went on things got better and people grew up. I eventually made plenty of friends and had a great time.
As time passed I began to lose weight and a lot of weight in my senior year. I'm now a sophmore in college and have gained more weight then ever. I now weight 240lbs and I’m 5'4. That’s a large amount of weight to carry.
I never have anyone look at me rude or make fun of me anymore even though I'm the biggest I’ve ever been. I know it is hard if you have really skinny friends, but just hang in there. I guess my point is that if you are wanting to lose weight for yourself then do it, but never change who you are for someone else.
Author: LC
Age: 12
City: Arrowhead
State/Prov: California
Country: United States
Hey Kelsey, I just wanted to say that I have a similar problem I also weigh 150 lbs and people tease me to I used to be about 156 but lost 6 lbs the secret from my point of view is block out all those rude comments and focus on you like I are young and we can lose it fast if we really want to just say no to the stuff that’s greasy and chocolately because once you say no once or twice it will be easier the south beach diet works great that’s what I’m on. Good luck.
Author: Charlotte
Age: 14
City: Chelsmford
State/Prov: Essex
Country: United Kingdom
Hey my name is charlotte and I’m 218 lbs (15 st) and am getting really depressed about my weight! I’m going to try to eat healthier from now on! Has anyone got any good ideas about exercising in the home??
Write back – luv, Charlotte xxxx
Author: Jenn
Age: 14
City: Great Falls
State/Prov: Montana
Country: United States
Hiya, my names Jenn. I started doing a squat video 2 weeks ago and it REALLY worked!!!
I changed my lunch around (I bring a turkey sandwich, water, carrots and a granola bar) because I realized that school food is HORRIBLE for your health. And my thighs and butt are getting SO toned now!
Author: Anon
Age: 14
State/Prov: Bedfordshire
Country: England
Hey girls,
I'm overweight, I way about 240 pounds. A short while ago, I got a lateral thigh trainer from Argos, £50. About $30, I think. I've been using it for 10 - 15 minutes a day, and saw effects immediately. In 4 days, I've lost 4lbs. I'm eating healthier, cutting down on snacks, but not completely, as I've learnt the minute you say NO chocolate, you want it more!
I'm going to have to get jeans a size smaller now, as with exercise I've lost the size AND the weight. I hope to keep it up!
So hopefully you all realize that you can do it, it's possible, but starving slows down your metabolism, so doesn't help!
Good luck.
Author: Mandi
Age: 13
City: Memphis
State/Prov: Tennessee
Country: United States
Hi my name is Mandi and I’m 13 5 '9 and 220 lbs. I’m very unhappy with my weight. I know that I’m not very healthy and that I really should loss weight but it’s so very hard nowadays. There’s so much pressure with friends and guys. I’m afraid that if my friends find out that I’m on a diet that they will make fun of me and really call me fat.
Author: Llona
Age: 17
City: Vancouver
State/Prov: Washington
Country: United States
Hello, my name is Llona, I am 17 years old I am 5'9 and I weigh 255 lbs.
I am so scared to loose the weight. I know I could be at 165 and be healthy, but I am worried that I am going to have saggy skin on my body.
I want to be healthy, but I don’t want to be a 17 year old in an old woman’s body. My mom is very supportive of me loosing weight, but she harps on me about it too.
I am in dire need of help. I used to weigh 242. I need HELP!
Author: Julia
Age: 14
City: St. Catharines
State/Prov: ON
Country: Canada
Hey guys!
I'm 5'4 and about 170lbs. I'm not that unhappy with my weight, but I do realize that I'm not healthy.
When I'm by myself I think that I look great and I feel really good about myself, but then when I go out with my friends who are all as tall and skinny as models, I feel so frumpy and like the ugly duckling of the group.
I understand what you guys are going through, and for those people that are about 5'4 and 115lbs., consider yourselves lucky because that's not fat at all, that's perfectly healthy so don't worry about!
Just eat healthy, exercise and have fun doing it if you're unhappy with your weight still. Ok good luck to all of you!
Author: Brandon Mace
Age: 14
City: St. Clair
State/Prov: Minnesota
Country: United States
Hi, I’m Brandon and I’m about 6'2 and weigh about 240. I have always wanted to loose weight and try to keep it off. My Mom and I would go for walks some days and then after that we would quit. Food is such a craving for me especially if we go to McDonalds.
I want to loose a lot of weight and try to drop some pants sizes. Everyone teases me in school and calls me fat ass and says I have bigger boobs than the rest of the girls.
I want to try to loose at least 80 lbs. off me and try to eat less and stay healthy. I would appreciate if anyone can help me with this.
Author: Heather
Age: 13
City: Langley
State/Prov: British Columbia
Country: United States
My name is Heather I go to Langley. At my School nobody likes me they make fun of my hair, weight, what I look like and there is another girl who is even fatter then me. I am 164 pounds and I really need someone to help with weight, bullies, and self esteem.
Author: Anngelyka
Age: 13
City: Pearland
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
Hi everyone,
I know it's not easy going on a diet but it is worth it. I’m 13 and about 5'4 and used to weigh 154. I've been going on a diet for a few days now.
First I tried starving myself and I lost 2 pounds in 2 days but then I quit the starvation diet because the so many consequences. When I started eating again I gained my pounds back.
So then I decided to go on a healthy diet.
I've been on this diet for 3 days now and I’ve lost 2 pounds so now I’m 152 pounds. I'm so happy with myself. I eat fewer calories and work out more than ever. My leg muscles are getting stronger.
I feel great. I ride my bike; go on the treadmill, dance, jog, and walk. And I eat healthier now. I eat every 3-4 hours to keep my metabolism going. I am so motivated. I only eat fatty foods on Sundays as a reward.
Oh yeah and I run down the stairs like 10 times and do 60 pushups daily. Also I eat less food at dinner. When I get hungry between meals I grab a fruit and munch on it.
My brothers are dieting with me also.
Author: Tara
Age: 16
City: Avon
State/Prov: CT
Country: United States
Hey Everyone!
I've been reading a lot of these passages written by everyone and so many girls here need to lose weight and are upset with their bodies. I am 5'9'' and weigh 200 pounds.
I really want to lose weight, but it's much easier said than done. For me I always say ok I'll start tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. I have tons of friends and no one ever says anything about my weight, but I'm still self-conscientious.
I hate that all my friends are getting boyfriends and no guys are interested in me because I am over-weight. I know it's hard to be happy with yourself when you know that your body isn't the way you want it to look, but you need to think positive if you want to lose the weight.
Instead of getting overwhelmed by how much you need to lose, just think about how great you'll feel with even 10 pounds off. I know it's hard, but we can do it if we put our mind to it.
Author: Caitlin
Age: 14
City: Innisfil
State/Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
I have a problem. I’m 14 and 5'6 and weigh 145 pounds. It is so embarrassing. And working out doesn't seem to help.
And we can’t afford exercising equipment so I'm stuck with the crunches and sit ups and stuff. But it hurts my back! And my entire mom buys all the time is Junk Food. Its Makes ME So Mad.
I need Tips on How to Loose Weight and look good without always having to wear baggy shirts.
Please Help Me!
Author: Meghan
Age: 14
City: Crofton
State/Prov: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Hey guys,
I’m about 5'4" and I weigh about 120 lbs.
I don’t think about myself as fat but I’m not skinny either. All of my friends joke around about my weight and it really bothers me!
I have no clue how I can lose a little without being like super skinny.
Exercise doesn’t seem to be helping because I play rugby and volleyball and when its not season for one of those sports I go for a run but I would still like to lose a little bit of weight if any of you can help shave a few pounds off my tummy or thighs that would be great. Please help!
Author: Dan
Age: 14
City: San Diego
State/Prov: CA
Country: United States
Hey everybody. I’m 14 years old I am about 5'1" and weigh about 109 lbs. I run on track and the cross country team play baseball and wrestle.
My parents are very supportive of me, but its annoying how they seem to be so perfect.
My mom works out each day for about 2 hours in our gym, and my dad is like ripped, and it always seems as if he’s disappointed in me because he looks better. My parents pressure me all the time about losing weight.
I’m not like huge or anything like that, and I don't really get made fun of expect with my friends joking around with me because I’m ok with that.
I am sometimes self-conscious about the way I look, because you usually can't tell that I need to lose weight when I’m wearing clothes, but when I go to the beach and that sort of thing I tend to think everybody thinks I’m fat, even though most of the time I don't show it.
I want to lose weight and have said I was going to many times, but have never really put 100% into trying to do it. I like to run, but only when I’m in the mood which is usually only about 1time a week.
I only like to run outside but I feel as if my friends in the neighborhood will see me a think differently of me. I just want a diet in which it is not to demanding (exercise only about 1-2 times a week, not cutting down on so much food) and still have me lose about 10 lbs in like 2-3 months.
I really hope somebody could help me and if anybody has any ideas or ways that have helped them or someone they know, that would be great. Just post what you know and I’ll try it, I’ll basically try anything once if it has a chance of helping me lose weight.
Thanks again
Author: Trisha
Age: 14
City: Cincinnati
State/Prov: Ohio
Country: United States
Hey. Just to let u know I’m 5'10" and weigh almost 300 lbs. I think like 298 or something like that.
I don’t eat much, but my problem is, I’ll go a while w/o eating then I’ll eat a lot and I gain like 5 pounds. I used to be normal sized and everyone used to make fun of me. And they used to call me ugly and fat.
But now that I look at pictures of myself then, I was skinny! But my problem -- I think -- I might have some kind of tumor in my stomach or something. And I don’t know how to figure out if I do or not. Cuz nothing else on my body is all that heavy. I want a treadmill sooo bad, but they are so expensive. I really want to be able to exercise, but I hate being in front of people, so I can't go to a gym or walk. What can I do? How can I loose weight healthy. I think my dad hates me cuz I’m so fat. And it’s hard to get friends when I’m this heavy.
Can someone help me out? Thanks - Trisha
Author: Allie
Age: 13
City: Orlando
State/Prov: Florida
Country: United States
Hi I am Allie. I am 5'4" and weigh 125. I go to a prep school where everyone is beautiful and perfect... except me. I noticed that I was as skinny as everyone else in probably 5th grade, and I have been sucking in and wearing oversized clothes ever since.
This year I started at a new school and I wanted to change the way I looked. I dance and play basketball and lacrosse, but that does not do anything. I do not eat a lot at all but i just have really slow metabolism. I wanted to change. So I went anorexic for probably 2 weeks I was losing over a pound a day. I got down to 110 lbs, but then my friends and family started noticing so I started eating again instead of having nothing for lunch i had salad, and I instantaneously gained all of it back. I really want to fit into a 00 like all my friends, recently I got down to fitting into a 2 but that’s not good enough.
I desperately need help to impress this boy I like, so please help!
Author: Skyler
Age: 13
City: Huntsville
State/Prov: Alabama
Country: United States
Hey everybody I am Skyler. I am 5'3 and I weigh about 250. I really hate my body and I have been like this for most of my life.I want to do something about it but is is really hard. I have tried every diet there is but it never works. I just need a solution.
Author: Alicia
Age: 18
City: Richmond Hill
State/Prov: NY
Country: United States
Hey guys,
My name is Alicia and I'm 18 years old and I weigh 172 lbs. Before it didn't bother me much because most of my family is overweight, but now I look at myself and I want lose weight. I would love to lose as much as I can and still be healthy. I've been to the doctor and I'm perfectly healthly, only that I have a weight problem.
Jessica Simpson and Christina Aguilera are my idols. I love their bodies and I want to get as close to that as possible.
Age: 12
City: Mississauga
State/Prov: ON
Country: Canada
Hi everyone... Here's my problem. I'm 5 foot 4 and I weigh 115 pounds. When I wear clothes that fully cover my body I don't look so big but I sort of am.
I feel really insecure because all of my friends are really thin. My mom makes me feel even worse. She keeps pressuring me to stop eating too many snacks or to exercise more. But it's hard.
I feel even more insecure because my cousin came over here in Canada to study and she is STICK thin. She weighed a lot when she was in high school but she some how lost a lot of it. Now my mom keeps saying things like "Oh why can't you be as thin as your cousin?" and all this stuff. So can you please help me lose at least 10 pounds?
Author: Diane
Age: 18
City: Johnson City
State/Prov: TN
Country: United States
Hey girls,
I've read a lot of the messages that have been posted and I have been at all aspects of the weight spectrum. Sort of... Ever since kindergarten I hated how I looked and felt like I was fat. It was terrible. No child that young should worry about what she looks like, but I did.
It followed me through middle school, and into high school where I decided I absolutely had to do something. I am 5'11 and then I weighed over 240 pounds. I was embarrassed and sick of it. Finally I decided to do something about it. During my sophomore year I dropped down to about 225 and then the summer after my sophomore year I went and stayed with my sister.
I never really exercised which is amazing, I just cut carbs. (NOT GOOD FOR A LONG TIME!) I did it for two months where I would just eat 60 carbs a day and then one day a week eat what I wanted. Not over indulge, but if I wanted a hamburger and fries, that was the day to do it.
I never realized that I lost weight though until I got up to get dressed. I put one of my skirts on and it fell down around my ankles. I weighed myself and I weighed 168 pounds. I was thrilled. I never wanted to be thin, just not fat. Skinny was never attractive because nobody wants to see a bunch of bones but a dog!
I was in a size 12-14 and I was so beautiful. I have gained some of my weight back because I quit eating as well as I should be, (I'm in a size 16 now) but I am about to go back on my diet for a month or two. Good luck to all of you out there trying to lose weight!
Author: Abby
Age: 16
City: Plano
State/Prov: Texas
Country: United States
Hi, I'm 16 and 5'5. I don’t like how I look, I'm fat and I don’t have much self esteem. I need a way to loose weight because I want to be able to wear cute clothes and stuff. PLEASE HELP ME!
Author: Christina
Age: 17
City: Bend
State/Prov: Oregon
Country: United States
Hey my name is Christina and I used to weigh 260. I struggled with my weight my whole life. Luckily I didn’t get teased but I always felt bad about myself.
When I got into high school I felt really bad because all my skinny friends had boyfriends, and guys never wanted me for anything more then a friend. Also I wanted to be healthy and pretty. People always came up to me and told me I had a models face, but I wanted the body to. So I went on a diet and I lost 130 pounds in 11 months.
When I went back to school I became popular and all the boys wanted to go out with me. But for some reason I still held a grudge against the boys for not wanting me when I was overweight.
Anyways, I enjoy being skinny now I have a blast and I’m no longer self conscious. In fact I even do modeling now. So the point of me writing this is to tell everyone that if you want to lose weight bad enough anything is possible. But be happy with your weight right now and have fun!! You are perfect the way you are!
Author: Kay
Age: 15
City: Columbus
State/Prov: OH
Country: United States
I'm 15 years old and I weight 172 lbs and this is my freshman year. In the pass month I have done more than a 1000 curls and I lost 6 lbs.
I do 120 a might and I eat one junk food a day and drink about a gallon of water. I NEED HELP! School starts tomorrow and I want to be skinny before Christmas Break!
Good Luck To Everyone Else!
Author: Kelsey
Age: 11
City: Eldorado
State/Prov: Arkansas
Country: United States
Hi I am your everyday teenager (pre) but I'm 5'2" and weigh 150 something. People make fun of me I hate the way I look.
Just a few months ago I decided to do something but I haven't yet. I need help I know I need to weigh about 110-115. I want to wear what I want and still look good. It is very hard. If one can advise let me know, please. Thanks
Author: lauren
Age: 14
City: Northampton
State/Prov: Northamptonshire
Country: United Kingdom
My name is Lauren and I am unhappy with the way I look. Like most of you reading this I have a very pretty thin older sister who always gets all the boys which she brags to me about and I'd like the chance to brag to her.
I've had boyfriends but never very serious and now I've got to the age where I'd really like one.
I weigh about 140 lbs and am 5 ft 4inch and would really like to be able to wear a bikini without feeling uncomfortable. I have curves in the wrong places but I do have quite nice thighs and bum, but that doesn't really help my top half.
If anyone has any ideas as I don't like many fruits or vegetables. Pleaaassseee help me.
Luv Lauren all the way from England.
Author: Nicole
Age: 12
City: Valdese
State/Prov: North Carolina
Country: United States
Samantha from Staten Island, New York...
I just want to let you know you are not the only one really struggling with a weight problem. Right now I'm at 255. Yea I know its hard. All my friends are "skinny." So I just wanted to let you know you are not in it alone. If you need to talk just post another message and I'll talk!
Author: Rachael
Age: 13
City: Findlay
State/Prov: OH
Country: United States
Hi am Rachael. Like most people I deal with weight problems. I weighed 212 pounds but I never looked that big, but I still looked overweight.
I was never at the point of hurting myself, but I was very depressed. I didn't like to be talking a lot because if everybody saw me talking or dancing or even having fun, they would think what that fat girl doing.
So my self-esteem became lower and lower, until I felt like dirt.
All these things weren't in my mind either people were actually saying them. So I became to hate school and dread to walk in and be hated. My mind seemed to make everything worse. Then after school ended in June, I was still depressed.
Then I remembered this site, and I came to it. I looked at all the stories about people losing weight and I felt that I could do this. So a few days later on June 14, 2005 I started dieting and working out.
I rode my bike and walked and a number of random things. Finally I lost weight. 2 months later I have lost 18 to 20 pounds. And hope to lose more. I dropped two dress sizes too!
I am so happy. I just want to thank everyone on this site for making these stories and push me to lose weight. Thanks for a wonderful site. Finally I lost weight!
Author: Nicole
Age: 12
City: Casar
State/Prov: North Carolina
Country: United States
Hey Sarah,
Thanks for the recipe. Umm... I was wondering, can you change the ice cream for yogurt?
Author: Alexa
Age: 14
City: Pittsburgh
State/Prov: PA
Country: United States
I'm 13 years old and I weigh 105… I know, I have nothing to complain about. But I used to weigh 115 pounds and I wasn't happy with myself. I carry my weight in my stomach so I had this bulge there. When I was little, I was STICK skinny and then I stopped being active and stuff and just lost myself. I gained weight and got a belly, I wasn't as skinny as I was anymore. I wasn't happy. I always told myself that I'd work it off. I'm on a swim team and I'm a very serious swimmer, so having practice everyday for a little more than half the summer really helped.
But, my family went on vacation to Myrtle Beach for one week after swim season -- and all I did was eat! I didn't watch what I ate, or anything. I grew so self-conscious, that for almost one year I sucked in my stomach ALL the time. Not so much you could tell, but just enough. People always thought I had a flat stomach, and I didn't even realize how 'fake' I was being. But every single place I went, anywhere anyone was, I sucked in my stomach. It soon became good enough for me so I didn't bother trying to lose anything. I walked into my school year weighing 103, and I left weighing 112.
But sucking in my stomach didn't mean it was disappearing. all it meant was I was hiding what I had. Soon I realized what I was doing and decided that I would work off my stomach till it was REALLY flat -- without sucking it in.
I wanted it bad, but I was so horrible at staying with what I wanted. I was going to Florida for a vacation for a week. I told myself that my whole diet/workout thing would start there, being outside all the time with my cousins and such. Well, I did pretty good only gaining one pound while I was there, but when I got home I didn't continue! I let myself go again. I made small efforts.
Around my birthday in April, the weather started to get nice. I had gained a few pounds but I told myself that I needed to get outside. And so I did. I played tennis a lot and ran around. I joined the track team. I was determined to become more active.
Well, I was practicing hurdles for track and I messed up. I hurt my back so badly it hurt to walk. My mom took me to the chiropractor after a few days of pain still, and it turned out I had 15 degrees rotational scoliosis. That means that my spine is not straight up and down, it is curved, and rotated a bit. That meant NO SPORTS! I couldn't do anything but a little bit of dancing. So for about 1 1/2 months I couldn't be active. I was so mad.
So, while I wasn't able to run around, I watched what I ate. I allowed myself 2 cookies per day. I had a salad for dinner every night (and I mean a bowl of lettuce and some chicken, dipped into ranch dressing I put on the side (much healthier). I did good. I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain much either.
So finally, my scoliosis was reduced down and I could finally run around again. This summer I told myself I'd work on my weight again, and I blew it off for the first month and a half, but every time I go shopping, I see those skinny mannequins and I think, woah, I wish I could wear clothes and look good in them too. Well, I went a week with no junk food, I don't drink soda anymore, and the first thing I did was go on the internet and find workouts and grab all of my magazines with workouts in them and started to workout. I saw results in about a month and I was so proud of myself. Now I have muscle and I'm slimmer.
I just want everyone here to know that YOU CAN do it. Sure, it took me a long time to finally get down to business. But It's possible and if you set your mind to it, set your goals (I wrote down my limitations and stuff in a little notepad as a reminder to eat healthy) and go for them. Believe it or not, everything you put yourself through is so worth it and it could be so much worse. Anyone can do it in any matter of time. Just believe in yourself.
Author: Mary
Age: 16
City: Ligonier
State/Prov: IN
Country: United States
Hey Everyone, I would like to tell you my story.
I'm 5'8 and I weigh almost 200lbs. My weight was fine until my Dad got real sick. He had to have open heart surgery and the doctors did not think that he would make it. I did not eat alot but my Mother said it was because of stress. It took him a while to recover from it.
Then my Mother got hurt a the job she was working at. So she had to have back surgery 3 times!! Then again my Mother said it was because of stress. I thought so too because I don't eat alot, if so I don't eat enough. Then my with all of that going on my grandpa got sick but he was okay.
Then on top of that my Dad just died and that hit us hard. I have tried everything possible if anyone has and advice I'm open to anything. Please Help Me!!
Author: Jessica
Age: 16
City: Cicero
State/Prov: IL
Country: United States
Hi, my name is Jessica and I just want to wear shirts without having to wear sweaters over them. My boyfriend thinks I'm not fat but I don't feel pretty on the outside please help me thanks. Jess
Author: Pearl
Age: 13
City: Lakeland
State/Prov: Florida
Country: United States
Hi. I'm Pearl and I'm 13. I weigh about 149 lbs. and I'm about 5'7"-5'8". and I feel TERRIBLE about my weight. All of my friends say I'm not fat and I shouldn't worry about that, but I think I'm fat. People on my bus call me a fat*** and make fun of me. I bulge over my pants and can't wear cute shirts because I look horrible in them. I've tried eating less and drinking more water, but nothing works. I'm going to get a membership to my mom's gym, and I hope that helps. I want to come back next year with a fresh start, and I want to look good. Any advice is appreciated so much, and thank you for taking the time to read this.
Author: Kayla
Age: 14
City: Kearney
State/Prov: Missouri
Country: United States
Hey! I'm Kayla I am 14 and I weigh 149 lbs. I am 5'9, but I am not happy with the way I look... I love to play basketball and softball...and I love throwing shotput and diskus in Track... but I’m not happy, I run every day but nothing seems to be working! If anyone could help me let me know.
Author: Abby
Age: 13
City: Horicon
State/Prov: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Hey y'all, wuz up, I'm your typical overweight teen gurl, I'm 5'6 and I weigh 170 pounds, I've heard all ur stories and I wuz like "woah, I’m not alone..." I wish I could loose weight, My uncles wedding is in 5 months and I don’t wanna look like a cow when I go there.
I want to be able to wear a teeny dress and have all the guys stare at me.. I HATE myself right now, Everyone else in my class are all skinny little twigs, they're all coordinated and athletic and picture perfect, I'm new to this website and i hope it can help me :(
Well… best wishes to y'all and good luck ;)
Author: Lala
Age: 15
City: San Diego
State/Prov: California
Country: United States
Hey u guyz, here’s sum info bout myself...I am 15 years old, I weigh 130 pounds, & I’m 5'3". I’m not exactly overweight but in my school everyone seems 2 be sticks. Summer is coming up & I just really want to look good in a bikini for once. I play lacrosse and basketball everyday of the week but I eat like crap and never seem 2 be losing any weight. I have tried dieting but never can stick 2 it, I always procrastinate my dieting even though I know I probably wont start it any time soon. I want 2 be at least 115 pounds and have an awesome six-pack. please help...I need tips!
Author: Nat
Age: 15
City: Perth
Country: Australia
Hi, I just want say that I know its really hard 2 lose weight and every single day I say 2 my frenz I will start my healthy diet 2morrow and everyday 1 say it...I've been say it for lyk 2 yrs.. plez tell me how 2 lose 10kg(20pounds) soon and how many calories i should eat a day 2 lose 1 or 2pounds a week. I'm desperate.
Author: Krissy
Age: 14
City: Haughton
State/Prov: Louisiana
Country: United States
Hi, I am 14 years old and I weigh 185 pounds just like the rest of you I hate myself also. I am very fortunate because I am popular and I do have a lot of friends. But the thing is I want a boyfriend. I haven’t had a boyfriend in 7 months. I HATE myself. I love food but I just don’t know how to stop eating please help me. I have this one guy that loves me but I cant go out with him because my dad wont let me...I would go out with him but I cant :(
Author: Sarah
Age: 14
City: Cheshire
State/Prov: Massachusetts
Country: United States
I just want to say how much I admire those who have lose weight and are so close to achieving your goals. And to the people who have problems with losing weight, my heart goes out with you.
I am 14, about 5 foot 2 inches and 130-135 pounds. I've hated how much I've weighed since 6th grade where I weighed 106 pounds. Since them I've went up.
Last year in the 8th grade, I was about 115 pounds. I didn't like it but I was okay with it. But when I was stuck in a hotel for two weeks because we were moving, (I was out of school for two weeks) all I did was eat. And usually I play fall soccer but with the move, I couldn't do any sports.
Can someone tell me how to lose weight? Is losing 5 pounds in two weeks unrealistic?
I really want to slim down. I think losing 10-15 pounds would make me so much happier. I want to do this for me. Not because of other people. I looked at Britney Spears (not that I'm a fan, only to her body) and I see those abs and I want them. Some girls at my high school show off their belly and belly button rings in track and I wish I could too. I don't get made fun of, but I'm sure people have their own thoughts about me. I'm doing track right now and soccer will be coming soon. I love sports but it's the diet I have trouble with. I've loved soda since I can remember. I'm trying it slow by drinking a tiny glass a day instead of two cans... then maybe stop the whole thing.
I tell myself "you don’t want that cookie" then that night I get so disappointed because I had four. I need help. And I need support. My sister is over weight too, more than I. My mom makes fun of me cuz I'm chubby but she never says anything to my sister (whose younger) But I need support. I would appreciate it so much if someone could get in touch with me and we can support each other and keep each other updated with how we're doing.
Get back to me; and girls good job/good luck!! =)
Author: Courtney
Age: 13
City: Cleveland
State/Prov: Tennessee
Country: United States
Hi everyone. I am 13 and weigh about 130 pounds. I definitely hate the way I look. all of my friends are skinnier than me, so it makes me feel big. I don't know how I keep gaining all this weight because I swim 5 nights a week and get a lot of other exercise too. I wish I could weigh about 100 pounds. it is so embarrassing because i am bigger than my mom. if anyone has any advice, please post it!
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