Teen Weight Loss Camps
Commercial weight loss camps for teens and young adults can be an experience you will pleasantly remember for the rest of your life. Read comments from other teens about this subject.
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There are an estimated 8,500-10,000 camps accross the U.S. and most are designed to get visitors up and moving.
Camp activities may include swimming, canoeing, basketball, soccer, rope climbing, aerobics, arts & crafts, go-cart riding, camp fires as well as lessons on food portion size, how to read food labels and ways to handle stress besides eating.
1- Controlling your kilocalorie intake
2- Changing your problematic food habits and
3- Increasing your physical activity
Look for the following characteristics when selecting a camp:
The program's diet plan should meet nutritional needs, except for kilocalories, following the Guide to Daily Food Choices, emphasizing lower fat options among a variety of foods.
The program should stress gradual, rather than rapid, weight loss. Look for a stored-fat loss of 1-2 pounds per week.
The program should be adaptable to habits and tastes. No rigid rituals should be required.
The program should minimize hunger and fatigue while ideally supplying 1500 calories a day. Lower calorie regimens should provide fortified foods or a vitamin and mineral supplement.
There's no need for a diet program to be too expensive in which to participate.
The program should help reshape lifestyle and problem eating habits to make weight loss and, later, maintenance possible.
The program should improve overall health, emphasize regular physical activity, proper rest, stress reduction and other healthy lifestyle changes.
Comments from teens about camps.
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Author: Ally
Age: 14
City: Gorham
State/Prov: Maine
Country: United States
I was average size throughout the 4th grade. In 5th grade life changed and it still hurts me today. I gained weight, and today I am still over weight. I was not average any longer. My mom began noticing it and she mentioned it often. She was more worried about me than I was.
After grade school ended, I went to middle school and I was the FAT girl. It hurt me in ways that I did not even know about at the time. When my mom suggested this camp or just weight lose camp, in general I was refusing to go.
Now that I am here, I love to lose weight. At home, I would not be doing anything. I am glad I am here and I cannot imagine going home and not self-monitoring and not exercising everyday. I am looking forward to the future and becoming a long-term weight controller.
Author: Kelsey
Age: 16
City: Lowell
State/Prov: Indiana
Country: United States
After being diagnosed with depression in seventh grade I was desperately searching for coping skills that would make me feel better.
I was a good girl so drugs and alcohol weren’t even an option and cutting myself or similar self-destructive habits seemed too extreme. Running out of options, my best escape became food.
I was quickly diagnosed with binge eating disorder and after a year of consuming at least double the calories I should have, I gained a significant amount of weight. Not knowing what to do, I freaked and once again, looked for an easy way out.
Because I could not stop myself from bingeing, my only option, or at least what seemed like my only option, was vomiting. Five months later, I was a full blown bulimic and only ten pounds lighter than I was before.
Author: Sam
Age: 14
City: Franklin
State/Prov: WI
Country: United States
I was someone with no motivation, low self-esteem, and someone who did not believe in themselves. I always knew that I was overweight but never tried to do anything about it.
I did weight watchers and Atkins, but all my weight loss efforts were half-motivated. I thought that everything in my life was ok. I convinced myself that I was ok with being overweight. I would daydream about losing weight, and being able to shop where I wanted.
I could never follow through and come up with a plan to lose the weight. I never put together the connection between what I was eating and my lack of exercise with weight gain. I was living in a world of denial where nothing was my fault and I was magically fat.
My dad told me that I was going to a weight loss camp, I did not really know what to think, but then I looked at the website I was excited to come. Through coming here I have now become confident and out going. I was able to embrace this program and aware of exactly what I am eating and how much exercise I am doing.
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